The Park

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After Jim had left I went straight to the kitchen to wonder why my mother decided to invite Jim.

"Hey mom so why would you even think about inviting him to dinner? I didn't even accept his invitation." I said while stomping my foot on the the marble tiled floor

"First of all change your tone of voice with me young lady and second of all he seemed really concerned yesterday night when he came to check if you left. Of course it was your father who answered the door so he already knows him. It looks like he may actually be interested in my baby girl. So yeah." she answered

"What? Well mother you know how I told you that I had a bully? Jim is my bully! Well he was now hes acting different." I responded saying the last part quietly

"Isn't that funny. Thats how me and your dad got together, all though I was his bully." she said giggling

I didn't even respond to shocked to even register correctly what she just said. Instead of just standing there without anything to say I responded with a "what-ever" and went to see Damien who Id left in his crib in the living room so I could talk to mom.

"Hey buddy, what did you do to get introuble?" I asked

"I drew on the wall." he responded looking at his shoes

"Ohh well that wasn't a very good thing to do." i responded regretting what I said when I saw tears forming in his eyes

"Hey buddy, don't cry. How about we go to the park?" I said before the tears came rolling down

"I want to, but I don't think mommy allow it." he said trying to blink away the tears

"Mom can I take Damien to the park?!" I yelled and I really dont know why because the dining room was connected to the living room and kitchen so even if I whispered it she would have heard it.

"Sure but only for an hour." she responded sounding a bit distracted with cooking dinner

"Well then you heard her. Lets go to the park." I said picking up Damien

I put on my shoes and sweater as well as Damiens sweater. I grabed the stroller and headed outside to take a 5 min. walk to the park.

"We are here." I told Damien when we reached the kids side of the park. Its quite weird saying kids side when for me the whole park was ment for kids. Anyways I unbuckled him and waited at the end of the old pale blue slide as my baby brother climed the stares to throw himself down. As I waited I heard my name being called behind me.

"Hey Jaqlin, you came! I can't believe it." said the voice

When I turned around I immediately regreted it. To my suprise Andy Woodland came walking straight towards me smiling widely.

"What are you doing here Andy?" I asked starting to get angry

"Well I sent you a text asking if we could meet." he replied

"Lili catch me!" yelled Damien making me jump of the scare. I turned away from Andy and caught Damien right before he fell off the slide.

"Hey buddy, why don't I put you on the swings while I talk to someone." I said grabbing him and walking towards the swings. I put him in one that looked like a rollercoaster chair and made sure the seat belt was well put. When I was 100% sure I sat in the regular swing next to him. Andy sat on the swing next to me and started talking again.

"Look I know I have no right to talk to you but I wanted to explain what happened when I made the bet." he began only for me to cut him off

"Why did you text me from a private number? And for staters I only came to the park for my brother. I even forgot that someone had texted me." I said looking up at the sky

"Lili push me." said Damien

"Okeii." I responded pushing him

"Well I knew that if I would have just texted you you would have ignored me. So can I explain myself?" he asked

"I have an hour to lose here so hurry." I said looking at Damien who was laughing like a goof ball

"Ohh and I forgot to mention your brother is adorable." he stated looking at Damien as well

"Thanks." i reaponded

"Okeii so in summer me and my friends had a little get together. After some time we all got bored and decided to play truth or dare." he said looking at me straight in the eye as I decided to look at him as he spoke. " The game at first was corny you know the usual kiss the girl next to you, take of a clothing item, lick someones ear, etc."

"Wait lick someones ear? I've never played truth or dare like that." i interrupted him making a disgusted face.

"Yeah I know. Anyways as we played It was my turn to go. I picked truth. My ex Crystal was there so she asked me if I still loved her. I responded no and instead of just droping it she asked me then who do I love. Everyone stood quiet after her little burst out. I of course didn't want to responded but she said that I was just denying my feelings for blah,blah."

"Lili push me harder." interrupted Damien

"Continue." I said pushing Damien again

"Okeii. So after she said that I got mad and told her at the moment I didn't love anyone one but I did have a crush on someone. She tried to embarrass me again so I said I had a cruah on you. She stood shut and we continued the game. When It was my turn again I picked dare hoping she wouldnt give me any trouble this time and boy was I wrong. Crystal dared me to go on a date with a girl of her choosing and I had to make sure to sleep with her on the first date or I would have to go naked to the next football game." Andy said looking down at his shoes as he said the terms of the bet/dare. I kepted looking at him trying to understand how I came to the picture.

"I didn't want to agree with her but she blacked mailed me so I just shook her hand thinking of a way to get myself out of this and believe it or not I had a plan. When we shook hands she said she already had a girl in mind and thats when she said your name. When I heard that I got pissed off and tried to back out she made me remeber what she had on me which was naked pictures of me that she would have sent to her whole school and mine. I didn't care what she did so I just pretended I was going to go through with it. Yesterday when we went to dinner I was going to tell you all of it because I'd rather have pictures of me naked at school then hurt you." he said this looking straight into my eyes this time. I was starting to underatand everything now. So before he continued I stood up as well as he did and gave him a hug.

"What's this for?" Andy asked confused by my actions but giving me a hug as well

"For what you said. I mean I did get hurt but it's because I didn't know the full story and I apologize for not letting you explain." I said after we stopped hugging

"Thats alright. If I were in your shoes I would have done the same." he responded smiling down at me

"You know now that I have forgiven you, you have to talk to my parents about this."

"Yeah I figured I would have had to, but I don't mimd after all I did hirt there daughter. How about I come to your house at 6 to explain? I would right now but I have to go to the doctors to check my eye and my nose. Ashley sure has a mean right hook." he responded

I almost missed his red swollen eye and nose. I guess I was so into what he was telling me I didn't realize the damage Ashley had caused.

"Ohh wow. Yeah you should get that checked out buddy. And that sounds great." i replied grabbing Damien to put him in the stroller that I forgot next to the slide. I didn't even realize the hour had passed. After we said our goodbyes I went home. I wish I would have remembered that Jim was also coming home to have dinner with my family. Boy o boy was this going to be a wonderful night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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