Chapter 17

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Over I never thought you guys would like this so much! Wow, I feel bad not writing as much, I just haven't felt motivated as of late. sorry but here's the next chapter.

Also, I want you guys to know that you don't have to be afraid to talk to talk to me, I love talking to you guys.


So cold.
Is this what it feels like to be dead?
It feels so...empty, as if I'm not supposed to be here. Well maybe I'm not but it's better than being alive with that monster, anything is better than him, he is a monster.

(name) finally opened his eyes, he was in his childhood room, everything before... (name) couldn't put his finger on it but he feels like something's missing, something so important..

Carefully he stepped out of the bad and walked towards the door, opening it slowly as a field of daisies sat at his wake, daisies that...that he has seen before.

These are the daisies that layed on (sisters) felt so obvious but at the same time something so foreign....God does He wish things could go back when his main concern was candy. "Can I just be with my family..." "Well you aren't ready to be here" a voice that tightened his chest in both a good and a bad way.

Turning around he saw her, the person he wanted to see forever and there she was. His sister.

She looked the exact same but strangely more mature, she offered a soft smile that he couldn't return. She wasn't real, no no no she was just a figment of his depression. "I-im real (name), you are in a limbo right now, and I'm here to tell you that Mom and dad aren't here, they aren't dead, and you cannot be here now" she explained as she stepped forward,  eyes holding a loving gaze as she cupped his tear swollen cheeks.

"I can't go no I can't" His body shook at the thought of being near Rido, God knows what he will do to him.

"I know but trust me, it will end in your favour" she said softly while moving some hair from his face, "you are strong, you can do anything and I am in your corner" she then pulled him into a hug. A hug he had wanted for so many years. Nodding he accepted that he can't be here now as everything faded and crumbled, leaving him falling into a light, back to the real world.

Opening his eyes once more he felt a pain beyond compare, quickly his hand fled to His mouth, his fangs...they where..gone. He felt like a part of him was just stolen, something he valued about himself and something that just reminded him of where he came from and who he is just vanished.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he let out a heart wrenching sob, body shaking as he just wanted to die, he didn't want to exist anymore. "You where a danger to yourself and others, I couldn't risk the dangers especially after your little episode" the man whom He currently feared more than anything spoke out across the room causing his head to shoot up in horror, heart stopping. It felt as if time stopped and the room dropped in temperature as he locked eyes with the sociopathic vampire.

"Now my love you will be safe and I'm my care~ and I made sure to make everything extra secure! Just for you!" he made sure to add extra emphasis on extra as he smoothly glided towards the obviously terrified make who wanted nothing more than to back away from the obvious danger but couldn't from pure fear.

"I will keep you safe my bride" Rido sang softly while cupping his cheeks, smirking at his expression, loving the feeling of being in control.

All he wanted to be was not here.

Yuuki was prepared for the outcome as she was pinned by Zero whom held nothing but a burning hate in his lilac eyes, something that truly made her feel a guilt beyond care since someone she considered a brother showed such hate towards towards her, a stray tear rolled down her cheek.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM!? DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU BEING SELFISH BASICALLY SIGNED A DEATH SENTENCE FOR SOMEONE WHO DID NOTHING!?" he roared out at the female as his grip tightened only to be pulled back by Aido and Cross, as tears rolled down the silver haired males face in a blistering rage.

"I realized that! I wasn't thinking!" she said in a soft but firm voice as tears rolled down her face, "Holy pepper spray batman! You just solved the most obvious case!" Aido said bitterly as he glared at her, wanting nothing more than to strangle her.

"Yuuki." the cold voice of the man she risked everything foolishly for rang out as she shot her head up, looking at him with wide eyes as he continued "you have commited an act against the vampire law and after we find him your sentence will be judged based on what you have done and his condition and you better pray he is unharmed, now" he smiled as he asked--well more demanded "Where. Is.(name).".

Nodding she gave his location while shaking in pure terror at the pure blood whom held eyes that where a deep crimson

She was fucked.



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