Natsu's Piano skills

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Author's Note: This is the first chapter about Natsu and his secret talents. All rights below to Hiro Mashima. The song belongs to Musical Basics, please don't kill me for using your song. XD

     It was a cool spring day in Magnolia. The flowers were starting to bloom and the birds were singing. Fiore's number one guild was getting ready for spring cleaning as they did every few years. Boxes were set out in front ready to be filled with random things that had been left by past guild members and old knick-knacks. 

"Ugggghh, It's too early to be cleaning." A certain dragon slayer whined while picking up a box of old spell boxes that were to torn to be useful anymore. 

"Stop your whining and get to work." The master snapped back. 

"Fine, but can I at least burn these I'm bored," Natsu said while still whining. 

"No, there is still magical residue left on those spell books if you burn them they could explode and only Mavis knows what kind of effects would occur. "

"Just get back to work Natsu and help me carry these boxes," Gray said whiles carrying a box of old clothes, in which most were his. 

"Fine whatever."

 A few hours passed and the guild had finally finished cleaning the first floor. 

"Yes, finally we're done!" Exclaimed Natsu. 

"Oh no we're not we still have to clean out the basement," Mira said cheerfully clearly enjoying her self. 

"UGGGHHHH," Natsu yelled. 

"Hmpf, you don't like cleaning do you?" Erza said as she walked up behind him. 

"No, No I don't it makes me anxious," Natsu said back. 

"Why?" Erza asked back

. Just then the master lifted up the trap door to the basement. "Alright, fools get down there and help me clean." He yelled at the guild. 

The sad sound of boredom could be heard from all around. They walked down the old steps. The whole room was filled with boxes of random things and old rewards from jobs that had now where else to go. 

In the corner of his eye, Natsu could see something black and shiny. He walked over and started putting stray objects into piles of relevance. He opened up boxes and did the same. Gray was on the other side of the room with Juvia close by watching her sweet gray lift heavy boxes. Lisanna noticed what Natsu was doing and walked over. 

"Natsu, you're making a mess dumping all that stuff on the floor."

 "No, I'm not I'm organizing things by category and size."

 "Why? Everyone else is just putting things in boxes and wherever else they fit," Lisanna questioned him. 

"Because it makes me anxious to have things spread about without a clear reason. 

"Ohh okay." Lisanna walked away and Natsu got back work.

 When Natsu finished sorting things he neatly put the piles into boxes and packed them up. He repeated this until everything was pretty much put away. When he finally reaches the end of the pile of stuff and old boxes he was able to see what the black shiny thing was; he could clearly see it was the side of a piano. He moved the rest of the boxes away and sure enough it was a piano. The piano was old but in great condition. It was a black grand piano. Eventually, people noticed the piano.

 "I didn't know we had a piano," Gray said as he walked over to Natsu.

"Neither did I." He replied. 

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