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Map of the Human World


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White season- Winter (White for the snow- Westaarne term)

Red season- Autumn (Red for the leaves- Westaarne term)

Green season- Summer (Green for the leaves- Westaarne term)

Yellow season- Spring (Yellow for the flowers that bloom in abundance during this season- Westaarne term)

North Westaarne- West-tar-knee: The western 'western' country. Ruled by the King. Geographically made up of mountains, valleys, forests

The Border: A rocky and barren pass between North Westaarne and South WestaarneRe

Red Prison: A prison for anyone who has shown any form of opposition towards the King, it is were prisoners are said to have gone mad after the first day due to horrific torture

South Westaarne: Geographically made up of rock, ice and snow. 

Isle of White: Belongs to the country of Westaarne, however is not inhabited by any known life as it constantly blanketed by snowstorms

Craani- Crar-nai: The largest territory, and the Capital of Westaarne

Westish: The language people from Westaarne speak

Norzai- Nor-zah-ee: The Northern continent, the majority of it is made of desert. Ruled by unknown

Gaiza- Gah-ee-za: The largest and capital territory of Norzai.

Gaizanian- Gah-ee-zane-nian: Anything of Gaiza- the people are Gaizanian

Norzew: The language people in Norzai speak

Eshiko- Eh-shi-co: The Oriental country in the east, the majority of it is made up of mountains and beautiful landscape. Ruled by unknown.

Tetaki- Teh-tah-kee: The largest and Capital territory of Eshiko

Eshikinese- Esh-ee-kin-knees: The language that people from Eshiko speak

Sahrati- The most peaceful country near the South. Has not had any conflicts or wars with neighbours and tend to keep within their borders

Port of Sahrati- The only port connecting Sahrati to the rest of the world. Its main trade are gemstones and exotic spices 

City of Rubies- The richest known city in the world. It's main source of income are the millions of rubies in their gem mines, hence the City of Rubies

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