I cant come up with chapter names anymore

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Hakyeon's P.O.V

"My friend wanted to know if he could sit here." Hongbin dragged me along to the table the man sat at. I tried to pull him back to our seat but he insisted. The man finished his cake and stood up.

"Yes, I was just leaving." He said grabbing his coffee. I grabbed his arm and watched him slightly flinch.

"Sorry, it's just, I meant I wanted to talk to you." I clarified. The man sighed and sat back down. Hongbin walked behind the counter to aid Jaehwan. I sat across from the blond man and tapped my nails on the table.

"Who are you?" I asked a little to suddenly. "I-I-I mean, uh... I'm sorry. I want to get to know you, and uh... thank you for yesterday." I stuttered.

"You already thanked me." He pointed out. I took a sip of my coffee only to realize there was nothing left. I forced an awkward laugh and threw away my cup.

                                                                     Leo's P.O.V

He was awkward, moving around a lot. He stuttered and chewed at his lips. I knew I shouldn't be doing this, it would only hurt the both of us, but I couldn't help it.

"Fine. How about this? Every day we meet here and you ask me one question. The rest of the time you tell me about yourself." I gave in. His smile grew and almost mirrored onto my own face.

"All right. What's your name?" He asked. It was a simple question, yet I hesitated before answering.

"People call me Leo. I haven't used my real name since I was a child." I explained to him. He nodded and sipped on his coffee.

We talked for an hour, I learned where he was born, about his family, and how he owns this small coffee shop. It was more like, he talked and I listened. We talked till my phone rang. I excused myself and accepted the call.

"Hello?" I answered. I heard shuffling on the other side before an answer.

"How far have you gotten since our last call. This was an easy job, I sent you because you deserved a break after last time." My boss complained. I bit my lip and glanced at Hakyeon.

"I'm sorry sir." I apologized. I heard a sigh on the other end accompanied by the clicking of a pen.

"Just, finish soon okay. I have another job that you would be an asset too." He said right before he hung up. I turned back around and bowed to Hakyeon.

"Sorry, I have to leave, I'll be back tomorrow." I told him. He nodded and I made my way out to my motorcycle before driving back to my apartment. I sat for a while before the sun went down. I changed into my night cloths and made my way to the abandoned warehouse.

I saw a guy walking around outside the warehouse. I looked at his wrist and saw the start of the tattoo. I ran behind him and placed my gloved hand over his mouth, pulling him behind a wall.

"You give me answers and I won't snap your neck." I blatantly stated. The man fought against my grip bumping into my bruised ribs causing me to grit my teeth.

"Who do you work for?" I demanded. He shook his head and I slammed his head on the brick wall behind him.

"I asked, who do you work for!" I urged in a quiet voice. I prepared his head to be slammed into the wall again.

"No, no!" He yelled. I took my hand off his hair and waited for a response. "I work for the Black Widows." He told me.

"Who are they? Give me a good answer or I'll snap one of your legs." I threatened. The man cowered in fear.

"A gang, we deal in everything. Drugs, organs, humans. We even have our own hitmen. We do anything for money. We started as a small group in Korea, but now we take jobs from the Russian and Chinese mafia." He explained. I wrapped his arms with rope and placed him outside of the police station with all the evidence they needed to convict him

I walked into the doors of my hotel room and collapsed on the couched, exhausted. I ran my fingernails into my hair. I scratched my head and let out a groan. I finally got the information I wanted, but I wasn't satisfied. I already knew what he had told me.

Nothing made sense. I just wanted to dig a hole and never come out. I knew this had something to do with me.

'Do they know I'm here?' I asked myself. My mind trailed through many paths. I had so many questions that couldn't be answered.

A/N: I really want to thank all of you reading this, I made this story just for fun, not expecting anything, but there are actually a few people reading this. If any of you have questions about the story, or me, feel free to ask, I'll answer anything. Thanks again, bye!

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