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                       Hakyeon's P.O.V

'Who was he?' Was the only thought running through my mind the entire night. I stared at the ceiling fan for hours. Nothing made sense, he saved me twice and never told me his name. He cut into his flesh with burning metal, like he had done it a million times.

A noise blared in my ears, I reached over and grabbed my phone. I placed the phone to my ear and heard chatting in the background,

"Hyung, you're late!" Jaehwan complained. I pulled the phone off my ear to check the time. Jaehwan was right, I was two hours late. I hung up and sprung out from under my covers. I pulled off my yellow sweater and replaced my button up white shirt to a clean one. I pulled on a pair of black jeans and fluffy mismatched socks. I tumbled out the door while pulling on a pair of converse.

I stepped out of the train in Kumho Palace and walked a while until I reached my shop. I opened the door and the little bells rang. I walked past my friends' teasing glares and changed into my uniform.

Hongbin wiped the coffee I had spilt all over the floor. I had been inside my head the entire day, thinking about that man. Just who was he? Why did he save me? Who were those guys fallowing us?

"I'm sorry." I apologized to Hongbin who had to take time off his break to help me clean up. Hongbin just shrugged and flashed his flower boy smile.    

"Hyung, are you, all right? Your heads been off all day." Jaehwan asked while serving the next costumer. Hongbin stood up and threw away the broken glass. He turned around and began making the next drink.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Hongbin placed the cup on the counter for the next customer to take.

"I'll work, you take my break." He suggested. I shook my head but Jaehwan ushered me along. I sighed and made myself a cup of coffee. I grabbed a croissant and sat down on one of the booths. I opened my coffee and dunked part of my pasty inside before taking a bite.

Once the business died down, Hongbin took a seat next to me. He slid me a cookie while taking a bite of his energy bar.

"Is everything okay? You know you can tell me anything." Hongbin wondered. I sighed and bit off part of my cookie.

"Do you remember that guy that saved me last night?" I asked. Hongbin nodded and leaned forward anticipating a story. "When I was walking home last night, I met him again. He's really strange, but he saved me for a second time." I explained.

                                                                  Leo's P.O.V

I sat in front of my computer looking up all I could on the gang that attacked me. I had seen them before, when I was a child. There was nothing on the internet and the company was calling me, asking why I hadn't finished the job.

I was getting agitated, sitting on the same couch in the same room, with no results. I stood up shutting my computer off and walked to the closet. I opened it and pulled out a white button up and a blue suit shirt.

I changed into them and parted my bleach blond hair. Grabbing my mother's rosary, I slipped on white sneakers and headed to my motorcycle. Climbing on I pressed the ignition and started driving. The cold wind bit my face as I forgot about the tattooed men.

I blended in with my surroundings, flying down the road, everything seemed to blur. The only thing I knew was the path in front of me, and that's all I needed to know. No fighting, no jobs, no company, just me.

I stopped my bike in front of a coffee shop and dismounted. I walked inside and heard the little bell chime. There was one person behind the counter making a drink so I just stood waiting.

"Oh, sorry, what would you like?" The man behind the counter asked. He looked slightly familiar but I brushed it off.

"I'd like an Americano and a slice of that coffee cake." I explained pointing at the cake that was displayed in front of me. The man nodded and I slid over to where you receive your orders.

The man handed me my food and I went to sat down. I walked by a familiar figure but kept my head down. I was close to finishing my cake when a man walked up the me, pulling Hakyeon with him.

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