Chapter 3

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At noon I walked to the beach and saw Leo already sitting there, in the sand playing with his fire powers. I walked behind him. "That's really cool." I said. He jumped like 3 feet in the air. I laughed. "Don't sneak up on a person like that." He said putting a hand on his heart. I laughed.

"Ready to go swimming?" I asked. "Of course." He said. He took off his shirt. He was kinda scrawny but he was cute. "You like what you see?" He asked. I blushed and look down. I set my towel down and took off my shirt and shorts. This time he was staring at me, smiling with no shame. I laughed. "You like what you see?" I asked.

He nodded and winked at me. "Leo!" I said and threw my shirt at him. He smiled and laughed. "Last one in the water is a rotten egg!" I shouted and ran to the water. Leo caught up and grabbed my waist. He lifted me in the air. I laughed. 

"Leo! You cheater!! A cheat, a cheat that's what you are!" I shouted. He set me down in the sand. "Leo what are you-" Before I could finish he started tickling me. I started laughing like crazy. "L-Le-Leo st-sto-stop!" I said in between laughter. He kept tickling me. "Say Leo Valdez is the sexiest, and hottest guy you ever met!" He said. "Ne-nev-never!" I said. He started tickling me harder, if that's possible. I couldn't breath. "Fi-fine Le-Leo Val-Valde-Valdez I-is th-the se-sexi-sexiest and hot-hotte-hottest gu-guy I ev-ever m-met!" I said. 

He stopped. "Now was that so hard?" He asked. "Yes It was..... since you were tickling me to death!" I said. He smiled. I pushed him off of me and I ran into the water. He ran in after me. I splashed him with water. He tried to splash me but I stopped the water in mid air and turned it on him. I don't know how but it's like I've been using my powers for years. I laughed at his face.

I went underwater and saw a lot of little fish. "Daughter of Poseidon! Hello! Hello!" They said.
I smiled. "Hi." I said. Then I remembered I was underwater. And I was breathing! I could breath underwater! Yes! Score! I saw Leo dive underwater with me. I smiled. He swan right by me. I made an air bubble so we could both fit inside. (Picture above Leo is Percy and Aqua is Annabeth).

We started talking about anything and everything. We locked eyes. We started to lean in. His lips brushed my lips and I leaned in the rest of the way.
our lips move in perfect sync. We pulled apart. He smiled ear to ear ear. My cheeks were crimson red but I was still smiling. "Aqua I liked you from the moment I saw you and I hope you feel the same way I feel about you. So will you go out with me?" He asked. I smiled wider. "Yes." He smiled and kissed me again.

Suddenly our bubble popped. I looked at Leo and we swam up. When we got to the shore we looked at each other and laughed. I looked up and saw Percy. "Sorry to interrupt but Aqua I found your brother!" Percy said.

"What?! Where is he?! Wait how do you know about my brother? I never told you." I asked as I scrambled out of the water. "He's in La Push, Washington. And Chiron pulled me aside and told me how he heard that last name before. Annabeth, Chiron, and I got researching and found an article about how you ran away when you were little." Percy explained.

"What's his address is it the same house?" I asked. He shrugged and told me the address. "Yes! It's the same house!" I said. "So do you want to go see him?" He asked. I thought for a moment and nodded. "Great! Because I already set it up with Chiron. You and I are going to La Push so pack up we're leaving in one hour." He said. 

"How are we getting there?"  I asked. "Well my friend Nico is going to shadow travel us there." He said I nodded. I looked over at Leo he looked sad. I walked over to him and kissed him. Percy gagged and walked away. "I got to go now, meet me by my cabin in an hour." I said. "Ok." He said.

I grabbed my towel and put on my shirt and shorts and walked to my cabin I grabbed some clothes and took a quick shower. After that I started packing my clothes. Guess I'm right back where I started. After that I grabbed my old photos and iPod. I had 5 minutes to spare and decided listen to a song my old traveling friend Jasper said reminded him of me. It was from the movie Brother Bear Jasper and I watched it once. But my brother and I used to watch it all the time.
(Skip to 20 seconds On My Way by Phil Colin).

This was my brother's and I favorite movie. I always loved the song on my way. I smiled. Percy poked his head in the room. "Aqua, Leo's here." He said. I got off my bed and grabbed my backpack. I made sure I had all my weapons to where you couldn't see it. I walked outside and I saw Leo and smiled. I hugged him from behind and covered his eyes. "Guess who?" I said. "Um.... Percy?" He asked. "What? You're really bad at this." I said and removed my hands.

He turned around. "It's my beautiful amazing girlfriend." He said and wrapped his arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck. He quickly pecked my lips. I smiled. "Guys Nico's here." Percy said. Leo put his hand around my waist. I saw a guy with black hair, brown eyes, pale, tall, wearing an avatar jacket, and black skinny jeans. "Nico meet my sister Aqua. Aqua meet Nico." Percy said. I shook his hand it was cold. "Okay time to go." Percy said. I hugged and kiss Leo one last time.

"See you later." I said and I gave him my iPod. "Here is my iPod with all my favorite songs. Keep it to remember me bye. I'll see you soon." I said. I walked over to Nico and Percy. "Okay grab hands." Nico said. Percy was on my right and Nico on my left. I grabbed their hands and made sure I had my bag.

I gave Leo one last look and darkness surrounded us. There was a cold shiver up my spine, I heard strange noises like whispering in my ear, and we were going so fast I felt like my face was going to peel off. 
Other than that it was great! We landed right outside of Forks, Washington.

"That was great and terrible at the same time!" I said. Nico smiled a little. "Well have fun guys." Nico said and walked into a tree. Literally. He walked into the tree's shadow. "That is so cool." I said. Percy laughed. "Okay it's about a 30 minute walk from here." I said. "I feel weird here. Maybe we should find a clearing and practice fighting. After all I haven't seem you fight yet." He said. I smirked and nodded. "I know a place here in Forks just a few miles away in a clearing. Follow me." I said and we started walking to the clearing.

*Jasper's P.O.V. 
Me, Emmett, Edward, Alice, and Carlisle were out hunting. I was feeding on a bear, my favorite. When suddenly I smelt the delicious smell of blood. Something better than animal blood. Human blood. I inhaled the scent and ran to where the smell was coming from with my family chasing after me.

I got to the clearing when Edward stopped me, he grabbed my arms and I growled. Emmett came and held my throat. We all looked at whose blood that was. We looked and saw a boy and a girl fighting. Not regular fighting with your hands and feet but with swords.

The boy looked like he had more experience but the girl was clearly winning. He cut her arm and more blood came out. I tried to get​ out of Emmett's grip my frenzy trying to take over but I soon gained control and calmed down enough to watch the fight. She dropped her sword. He put his sword to her neck.

She reached into her other arm slowly and a dagger appeared in her hand. She swung her dagger and hit the sword out of his hand. She put her dagger to his throat. He held his hands up in surrender. "That chick is awesome." Emmett whispered. The girl smiled. We were afraid she heard up until she said, "Nice try big brother. But that's why you need to have more than one weapon." She said and helped him up.

"Well it's not my fault you have like a bijillon weapons!" The guy shouted. 
She laughed. "Well I'm just so awesome you can't see them." She said she grabbed her sword and it shrank into a ring. "Now we need to get cleaned up. Is there water anywhere?" He asked she nodded.

"Yeah there's a river up ahead, if I remember right. Let's go." She said. They started walking in our direction. "Edward get Jasper home. We need to see who they are and what their intentions are." Carlisle said. Edward nodded and we ran away.

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