Chapter 4

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*Carlisle's P.O.V.
They found the river about a hundred yards away. The boy hopped to the bottom of the river. He held his arms out to the girl. "Okay jump. I'll catch you." He said. The girl nodded as she looked down. She hesitated, closed her eyes then jumped. The boy caught her with no problem. "Thanks Percy." She said, so his name is Percy.

The boy nodded. "Now since you never done this before just stick your hand in the water." Percy instructed. "What are they doing?" Alice whispered. "Just watch." I whispered to her.

Edward came back. "What are they doing?" Edward quickly whispered. "Watch." I said. "Okay, but if I do this and some fish bites me, I'm blaming you." She said, smiling. Percy smiled back at her. The girl stuck her hand in the water.

The water traveled up her arm and the water moved over her cuts and her cuts were gone. The water healed her. We all gasped, that was a mistake. They pair quickly stood up and turned around, they heard us. Percy stood in front of the girl protectively, pointing a sword in our direction.

They quickly caught sight of us. They slowly started walking to us. Both of them had a weapon in hand, the girl had 5 throwing knives in her hand (Percy had a sword). "Whoever you are come out. Slowly." Percy commanded. My family looked me for guidance. I tried to rationalize this. We could easily outrun them, but we need to see if they're are a threat to the people of Forks. Suddenly a knife was thrown right by Emmett's head. I walked out slowly my family soon followed.

*Aqua's P.O.V.
I looked at Percy we had a silent conversation literally, we have an empathy link. "Who are you? what are you doing here?" I asked, my knife ready to throw if needed. "I'm Carlisle Cullen and this is my family. My sons Edward, Emmett and my daughter Alice Cullen. " He explained, pointing to each person. I had a feeling that they are monsters in disguise. The Edward guy looked at me weird, like he knew what I was thinking. "Please, we insist. You can come with us, we won't let any harm come to you. We have a house not too far from here, you guys could get cleaned up, we have food." Carlisle said.

Percy nodded hesitantly. 'Percy! What are you doing?!' I yelled at him through the empathy link. 'We can get cleaned up, plus i'm starving.' He thought back, I rolled my eyes. 'If we die I'm gonna kill you.' Percy just smirked at me. We walked over to the strange family. I retrieved my throwing knife from the tree and put it away with my other knives. I heard a soft growl, I turned around and saw a black wolf. I looked in his eyes and, call me crazy, but I looked in his eyes and was reminded of my brother.

I turned back around and no one seemed to notice the wolf but me. I decided to forget about it. We started walking and I walked by Percy. We got to a big, open glass house. It was HUGE! I looked at Percy and saw he was also looking at the house in awe.

Carlisle opened the door and welcomed us inside. "Thank you." I told him as I walked into the house. I smelt something amazing cooking. Carlisle lead us to the kitchen where 3 other people I haven't met were standing. I looked at all of them and smiled. "Esme, Rosalie, Jasper meet...I'm sorry I didn't catch your names." Carlisle said.

"I'm Percy and this is my sister Aqua." Percy Introduced. "This is my wife Esme, Rosalie, and Jasper. You've meet everyone else." He said and pointed to each one.

I looked at Jasper. Have I seen him before? I took out an old photo, "Jasper?" I asked. He looked up at me. He looked confused for a moment then smiled. "Aqua!" He said with his awesome Texan accent that I remember from so long ago. I ran up and hugged him. He was shocked but he hugged me back. I pulled away and I saw he was holding his breath. "You guys know each other?" Rosalie asked while pointing at us.

"When I was 8 I met Jasper he was like an older to brother to me. We both ran away from home. We started wandering around the states together. One night we were at a park in Oklahoma and it was dark, so we decided to go sleep. When I woke up he was gone. I was alone again. Until I found a year-round camp and stayed there for a while. Until I found my brother and we came here to see him. But Jasper I must say, you haven't aged a day." I explained.

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