Chapter 23

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*Bella had Renesmee and Rosalie is by the fireplace holding Renesmee*

I was leaning against the wall watching Rosalie hold Renesmee, she was really good with kids. Rosalie was cooing the baby when Jacob walked in. He was walking in slowly glaring in Rosalie and Renesmee's direction. I was about to stop him since he looked ready to kill, but suddenly he stopped. He looked Renesmee in the eyes and his face softened. He dropped to his knees just looking at her. I instantly knew what happened... Jacob imprinted. Billy said that this was rare to have two imprints, it was so rare it only happened once in our history. Twice if you count Jacob.

I felt my heart shatter I was about to walk away when I heard wolves growling. Sam. Edward suddenly called out, "Alice! Jasper! Aqua!" from upstairs. Edward, Alice, and Jasper came running into the room. "Stay with Bella." Edward told Rosalie. Rosalie started to walk upstairs with Renesmee. We were all about to walk outside getting ready to fight with Sam's pack when Edward turned around to look at Jacob in anger.

Edward quickly looked at me clearly reading my heart broken thoughts then he looked at Jacob, reading his mind. Edward ran at Jacob and in a flash Jacob's arm was broken and he was thrown across the room. Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and I were looking at Edward in shock. Jacob groaned in pain. Edward turned away from Jacob and whispered, "I'll deal with him later. Protect him." He directed the last part to Rosalie. I instantly knew that Edward read Jacob's mind and found out he imprinted. Edward, Alice, Jasper and I rushed outside.

We saw Sam's pack emerge from the woods, growling and snapping at us. "We're outnumbered." Jasper said rushed. "By a lot." Alice said her voice shaking. "I won't let them hurt my family." Edward responded. Then Sam and his pack attacked. I quickly phased and started fighting Paul. Paul whimpered not wanting to hurt me since I was an imprint and his friend, but we fought nonetheless.

Then Seth and Leah showed up and started fighting.

"I don't want to hurt them." I said.

"It's the right thing to do." Seth responded and we kept fighting.

Suddenly Carlisle, Esme and Emmett came and helped us fight but we were still losing. Paul pinned me down when Emmett punched him off of me. I nodded at him and we focused on what was at hand. Then Jacob came running out of the house. His arm put back in place and no longer broken.

"Stop! It's over!" Jacob shouted. Sam just tried to go around Jacob but Jacob stepped in front of him. "If you kill her, you kill me!" Jacob shouted. Sam threw Jacob and Jacob phased. They were growling and Edward translated. "Jacob imprinted." The vampires looked at Jacob shocked. Then looked at me.

"It's rare to have two imprints. It's only happened one other time in their history. They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law." Edward said. Sam growled but turned and walked away, his pack following. The vampires ran inside and Jacob and I phased, along with Leah and Seth. I started to walk inside when Jacob stopped me. 

"Aqua I'm so sorry you know I didn't mean to imprint on Renesmee. You know I love you." Jacob said looking at me sadly. "Jacob... I know you. I know you don't have any romantic feelings for me the moment you imprinted on Renesmee. Renesmee is going to grow up and you two will fall in love and be together forever. So for me to allow that... i'm breaking the imprint." I said tears falling down my face. "Aqua-" I cut him off. "Goodbye Jacob. I will always love you." I said and kissed him one last time and walked away.

As soon as I walked away I felt the pain from breaking the imprint. It felt like the phase when you were about to phase all over again. I fell to my knees and cried. I felt someone hugging me. I knew it was Seth. I hugged him back and cried into his shoulder. "What happened?" Seth asked. "I-I br-brok-broke th-the im-impr-imprint." I told him not looking at him. "Why?" He asked. "Because he doesn't love me. He's going to love Renesmee... and I had to let him go." I said. "It's gonna be okay." Seth tried to comfort me.

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