*Fluff Chapter*

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*This chapter has nothing to do with the plot I just thought it would be cute. Inspired by my favorite Dear Evan Hansen song If I Could Tell Her *

*Seth's P.O.V.
I looked over at Aqua smiling as she tried to catch some snowflakes on her tongue. Everyone was currently inside Sam's house, except Aqua and I. I thought how cute she looked all bundled up playing in the snow.

I loved her but she was happy with Jacob. I walked over to her and picked her up and spun her around. She laughed. "Seth! Put me down!" I smiled and set her down. We sat in the snow and we talked. "So... how are you and Jacob?" I asked her. She smiled a little. "We're good, but..." she trailed off frowning.

I frowned looking at her. "What happened?" I asked her. "Nothing. He just seems so far away. When we started dating we were so close but now it's like we're just distant from each other. Like the spark isn't there anymore." She said sadly.

"He loves you." I told her. "Jacob loves me?" She asked not believing me. "Definitely. We talk about you all the time." I told her. "You do? What does he say?" She asked looking up at me. Jacob and I don't really talk about her I just can't stand to see her sad. I started to tell her everything I noticed and thought about her.

"He said there's nothing like your smile. It's sort of subtle and perfect and real." I said holding my hands up to face making a picture frame with my hands. I looked at her and she smiled and looked down.

"He says you never knew how wonderful that smile could make someone feel." I thought of how her smile would give me butterflies in my stomach. Her smile alone could make my day. I started blushing.

"And he noticed whenever you get bored you start scribbling little aliens in your sketchbook. But he keeps it all inside his head. What he sees, he leaves unsaid. And though he wants to, he can't talk to you. He can't find a way. But he always says: If I could tell her, tell her everything I see. Or tell her how she's everything to me. But we're a million worlds apart and I don't know how I would even start, if I could tell her." I said and I saw tears of happiness were rolling down her face. I wiped away her tears with my thumb.

"Does he say anything else?" She asked wiping her tears away. "About you?" I asked pointing at her. "Oh nevermind I mean I don't even care anyways I-" She said really quickly standing up to walk away. I quickly stood up and gently grabbed her wrist. "No, no, no he says so many things I'm just trying to remember the best ones!" I said quickly. We sat back down in the snow.

"He wonders how you learned to dance like the rest of the world isn't there." I said looking at her. She was looking down drawing random things in the snow listening to every word I was saying. "And thinks that you looked really pretty when you put that fake hair color in your hair for halloween." "He did?" She asked looking up at me with happy tears.

"Yeah. But he tries to tell you but he says but what do you do when there's this great divide between us." "He just seems so far away." She said. "And what do you do when the distance is too wide?"

I looked at her and she was looking at me. "It's like I don't know anything." She said. I turned away from her. "And how do you say I love you? I love you." Tears were pouring down both our faces. I looked her in the eyes. "I love you! I love you." I told her.

I looked at her sadly. "But we're a million worlds apart. And I don't know how I would even start. If I could tell her. If I could-" I grabbed her face and kissed her. She was shocked but she kissed me back. "I love you too Seth." She said and we were both smiling like goofballs.

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