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"Stupid child.  Trying to get out of my control." An old man stood up, as he walked around his little cave. The old man had a hunchback as he supported himself with a cane.  He wore a plain white t-shirt with black pants.  A big and long scar tracked from his forehead down to his chin.  His hair messy and short.  The only wrinkles you could see was by his eyes and at the corners of his mouth.  "You'll kill her if you continue doing this, Roku." A man in his early thirties said as he stepped out of the shadows. 

The man was built with his black hair slick back.  He wore black cargo pants, a gray sweatshirt with a black jacket.  "Kirito. You have no say on what I do. She is my puppet to control and my body. So shut your mouth." Roku said, making his tea.

Kirito furrowed his eyebrows as he clenched his fist. "But you have no right to take her body!" "No right!?" Roku shouted as he slammed his fist. "I have every right to take her body! Do you know how many times I have helped this child!? Do you know how many lives I have taken, to keep this stupid child alive every day?!  Ever since my enemies found out my new body, they have tried to kill her every day!"  Roku said with a shout.  He turned and glared directly at Kirito.  "So don't you dare say, I have no right."

Turning back around, Roku finished making his tea as he went back to sitting on his bed. "You're becoming more like him-" "Don't you dare utter that snakes name. I am nothing like him." Roku hissed. Clenching his teeth Kirito turned around and started to walk away. "When I find out you're just like him." Kirito stopped and glared at Roku, his eyes turning icy blue. "I'll personally end your life."


"Did you heard? His new body is back in the hospital." A man in black clothing said as he sat around with his teammates.  A smirk could be seen as a bigger man patted his teammates back.  "Nice job on getting the information, Kozu.  We'll attack it tonight." "But, what about the boss? He'll get mad if we attack it without his consent." A scrawny man said as he twiddles with his thumbs. The big man smirked as he grabbed the scrawny mans hair and pulled it back, making the other yelp in pain. "It doesn't matter if we don't get caught. Don't tell me you're going to rat us out, Mark. Well, are you?" The man said as he pulled Marks hair more.

With tears in his eyes, Mark shakily replied. "N-no Sir." The man's smirk grew. "Good." Throwing Mark away from him, he stood up. Kozu quickly went by Marks side. "I'm leaving now. Tell this to the boss and I'll-"

"You'll do what, Winston." Freezing in his place, Winston clenched his fist. Turning his head, he smiled. "B-boss. When did y-you get here?" Ignoring him, the boss looked at Mark and found him holding his head in pain.

Keeping his calm face, he walked past Winston and kneeled in front of Mark. A thud could be heard from him.  "I'm sorry that you got hurt, Mark. Let me treat your injuries." The boss said as he grabbed bandages and medicine. Mark stared at Winston with wide eyes, as he covered his mouth. "Please don't throw up. I have a strong gag reflex." The boss said as he applied for the medicine on Marks' head and wrapping it in bandages. Standing up, he started to walk away. "I'll have a cleanup crew take care of his body. So you two should get some rest." The boss said as he walked down the corridor.

"The boss. Did he kill Winston? I didn't see him move." Mark said as he stood up with Kozu's help. With a soft smile, Kozu led Mark away from Winston and down a different corridor. "Don't worry about it. The cleanup crew will deal with it." Looking back, Kozu saw four men disposing of Winston's body. A kunai lodged in his throat, and two more directly in eyes.


"Nisan! Hurry Nisan!" I laugh as I run after Naruto. "Wait up, The Sunshine!" I shout after him. "Hurry! We're almost there!" I gave out a laugh at his impatience. "You're so impatient. The ramen shop isn't going to run away from you." I said as I slowed down to a walk. "Yeah right! I had a nightmare that ramen started to run away from me, no matter how fast I run! So we got to hurry!"

The Sickness Begins *Sequel* (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now