Chapter 6- Le two months later (Summer Break)

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You are Kankri Vantas. Currently sitting on your bed and looking at your phone, Porrim had informed your father that you were with an Ampora, causing you to be grounded from leaving the house more than ten minutes.

You tilts your head as your phone buzzes, then start purring softly as you see it was a text from Cronus.

Cronus: Hey Kanny

Kankri: Hell9 Cr9nus.

Cronus: Any luck vwith Signless yet?
Kankri: Sadly, n9.

Cronus: Oh..

Kankri: H9pefully we'll see each 9ther s99n.

Cronus: Probably not

Kankri: Why n9t?

Cronus: Dualscar vwant's me to get vwith Meenah

Kankri: 9h. Well, I guess if that's s9mething y9u have t9 d9 then 9kay.

Cronus: Come on chief you knowv I don't vwanna leavwe you

Kankri: 9f c9urse. 6ut if Dualscar wants y9u t9 get with Meenah then y9u sh9uldnt try t9 g9 6ehind his 6ack. And wh9 kn9ws. May6e y9u'll end up enj9ying 6eing with Meenah.

Cronus: Shes okay for a friend but I don't vwanna be her matesprit

Kankri: 6ut y9u d9nt have much 9f a say in the matter. As l9ng as we live with 9ur ancest9rs we have t9 listen t9 their rules. Even if that means 6eing with s9me9ne wh9 we d9nt see as m9re than a friend.

Cronus: ...

Cronus: Are you breaking up vwith me?..

Kankri: I d9nt have much 9f a ch9ice here. Especially n9t if y9u have t9 6e with Meenah.

Cronus: I don't vwant to be vwith her

Kankri: I kn9w that 6ut y9u have t9. And like I said, may6e y9u'll like her m9re than y9u th9ught y9u w9uld.

Cronus: Kan please don't...

Kankri: It's f9r the 6est Cr9nus.

You turn your phone off, no longer purring.

Well I supp9se a late night str9ll c9uldnt hurt... You think as you stand, walking out of the house, you check the time before leaving, the last thing you need is Signless getting mad again. You walks past the park, humming softly to yourself, before turning and heading back home, not wanting to be late.

"What's a mutant like you doing out at night alone." A voice asks from behind you, but when you turn you see no one. "Silly child, I'm not going to let you see me just yet." You start shaking, fearing for your life.

"W-wh9 are y9u? What d9 y9u want fr9m me?" You try to keep your voice from shaking, but end up screaming in pain as a sharp pain is felt in your neck.

"So good.~" The voice purrs, you feel blood streaming down your neck and shiver as the other licks it away, before biting into the wound again.

"Let g9 9f me!" You try to escape, then start running after they pull back, you get a few blocks away from your human hive before tripping. Your vision goes black as soon as you hit the ground, passing out from blood loss.

Zhort chapter I guess. Alzo do you like the ztory so far or nah?

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