He's Bad News

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Kankri walks with Porrim into school, it was his sophomore year and he had made his way into mostly honors classes, except math, but the Cancer was still quite proud of himself.

"It's nice to be out of gym, I hated that class." Porrim speaks as she unlocks her locker. "It's no fair that you didn't have to take it." Kankri chuckles a little bit and rolls his eyes.

"I still had to do a bunch of push ups and stuff, not to mention the time he made us run all the way around the school. Honestly, Porrim, marching is a whole lot harder than gym, maybe even harder than most sports actually."

"Oh my God, Kankri. Please do not start talking about band, you'll never shut up." Porrim huffs out, grabbing her stuff and shutting the locker again. "Let's get to class." She starts walking down the hall, towards where the math rooms were. Porrim hugs Kankri when she gets to her class. "I'll see you later Kanny." She darts away quickly before anything could be said about the nickname.

Kankri sighs and walks into his own class, which was Math three, as he had taken the other two already. He sits down and notices another kid sitting, one he hadn't seen before. Kankri had been going to Skaia schools since he was in Kindergarten, so he knew everyone already, this kid had to be new, but he decided to just ignore it and sit down instead.

Soon the teacher, Mr.Dara comes in, he gestures to the new kid to stand up, Kankri watches, his assumption being confirmed that this kid was new.

"Everyone, this is our new student, his name is Cronus Ampora." He looks at Cronus and raises an eyebrow. "I trust that you will be paying attention in this class?" Mr.Dara asks, Cronus nods at him.

"Sure thing, sir." He replies and sits down, Kankri glances at him, taking in his features just incase he ever had any trouble. He didn't often judge people off of looks, but even this guys voice sounded like he was bad news. Cronus had his hair slicked back, and was wearing a black leather jacket, his horns were in the shape of lightning bolts and he had a cigarette tucked behind his ear. Kankri rolls his eyes as he starts on his work, this guy was just going to be some player, it was so obviously it was almost comical.

~*~*~*~Time Skip~*~*~*~

Kankri meets up with Porrim at lunch, they share a hug before getting food and finding a place to sit. Kankri licked his lips as he looks at the Bojangles chicken the school had bought, he bites into it as Porrim speaks. ('cause fuck Kankri being Vegan)

"So Kankri, has anything interesting happened today?" She asks.

"Not really, there's a new kid, a seadweller. But he looks and sounds like a complete player." Porrim rolls her eyes.

"Yeah I saw, his name is Cronus Ampora, and he is a player." She growls a little bit, and her ears go back slightly.

"Do you know him?" Kankri asks curiously, Porrim always seemed to know absolutely everyone.

"I used to date him, he's from Ohio, all he even cares about is sexual stuff." She lets out a sigh. "He broke up with me after a few months of dating, because I agreed to send him nudes." Kankri blinks, Porrim had never been the one to send nudes.

This Cronus kid must be bad news.. I'll stay away from him..

Kankri tell himself as he hugs his morail, the only quadrant his celibacy vows allowed him to fill.

"Oh Porrim.. I'm so sorry. I promise I'll stay away from him, he sounds like bad news." Porrim hugs the smaller troll back.

"I don't want you to get hurt. If he tries to get to you then tell me. I want nothing more than to hurt him for what he did." She kisses Kankri on the forehead before she pulls out of the hug, the bell had just rang. "We should get to class. I'll see you later." She heads to go across the street to her business classes. Kankri begins to make his way to the band room.

"Hey, Vantas!" A familiar English accent calls from behind, seconds later Jake, the oboe player, is walking beside of him.

"Hello English." Kankri smiles, the human was a lot different than other ones, he always spoke formally, it was quite a nice change from everyone else, it reminded Kankri of why he once liked Jake, though said crush had eventually developed into more of a friendly admiration for him.

"It it wasnt for the fact that we have already been coming here for over a month now, I would be right to say it's nice to be back." English says, chuckling as the words come out.

"Well yes. But it sure is refreshing after a day full of classes." Kankri responds, entering through the back of the band room, he quickly grabs his piccolo.

"Hey excuse me there!" A voice that Kankri found faintly familiar says, he presses himself to the wall as a quads player passes, nearly gasping as he recognizes who it was. Cronus Ampora. Band was going to be interesting..

Kankri was slightly anxious a little into band, but as soon as they were done with warm ups and were heading outside he had nearly completely forgot about the Aquarius Porrim warned him about, they even shared a small laugh on the way to the field after the director told them to stop waddling around like lost penguins. Of course, Kankri was still cautious, but there was no need to make this tense with someone he would share a class with for the next two years. That was, in fact, something that would have effects later on.

The practice went good, and the director congratulated them on a good practice, not that it stopped them from being let out late. Kankri had no doubt that some kids probably missed their bus trying to hurry and pack up, he was glad he walked home.

"Hey chief." Cronus and Kankri narrows his eyes a little.

"Yes, Cronus?"

"Oh vwell, you seem pretty nice, I was vwondering if you vwould like to vwalk bwith me? At least to the car line?" Kankri hesitates for a moment, all this troll wanted was to try to get sex from him, but as long as he was aware of what the seadweller was doing, Kankri figured it wouldn't hurt.

"Sure. That would be nice." He gives Cronus a smile as he leaves the band room, the greaser walks beside of him.

"So vwhat's you're name? I sawv you in my math class, so you obvwiously knowv my name is Cronus Ampora."

"I'm Kankri Vantas." Cronus nods, he pulls out his phone and turns it on for a second, then back off.

"Vwhat's vwith the bright red svweater?" Kankri bites his lip, hesitating for a moment.

"We aren't on Alternia anymore, so it's perfectly fine for me to wear the color of my blood." Cronus nods, not seeming to mind.

"Vwell anyvways. This is where I leavwe you. See you tomorrowv Kan." Cronus walks away before Kankri could call out the nickname, the Cancer sighs and goes to where Porrim always waited. She had a disappointed look on her face.

"Kankri.. I warned you about him." She sighs.

"I know Porrim. Trust me. I don't intend to let him get to me. But he's in band, and it's better to have mutuals in band than to be tense with someone." Porrim gives a tiny nod.

"Alright Kankri.. But hes bad news.."

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