Chapter 38

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"I would rather learn what it feels like to burn than feeling nothing at all."--Ron Pope, One Grain of Sand

Mirabella's POV:

It was June, and June was the worst. The Kingdom of Adelia was situated so that the winters--though short--were harsh, but the summers were even harsher. The sun beat down relentlessly, scorching and searing everything in its wake like an angry god. The tall evergreens acted like a blanket, holding in the torridity, suffocating anyone unlucky enough to be caught outside.

I was a princess. I was supposed to be lucky. 

But I still found myself wading through the humid air like it was water. The atmosphere was almost drinkable. One breath and dehydration was impossible, but neither was breathing. I felt like I was drowning as I walked without any sense of direction. I had no idea where I was going or where I'd come from. I was alone and hot. 

I struggled to keep moving. 

The trees appeared to be swaying, their sturdy trunks as weak as twigs. I feared they would snap.

Snap. Snap. Snap.

I brought my hand to the back of my neck, but I didn't know why. I was scared of something, but I didn't know what. So confused, so alone. I needed him.

I suddenly realized I didn't know who "him" was. I didn't know anything. God, I wanted to cry. Where was I? Why was I walking alone? Why was it so bloody hot? 

So bloody hot....

I could feel sweat pooling on every inch of my skin, just as water pooled in my lungs from the humidity. Heat pressed in from all sides and I tried not to collapse. 

But I couldn't stop myself.

I fell to the ground, but something stopped me. Someone caught me. I tried to look up to see my savior (or captor), but all I saw was black.

"Mirabella," Niall whispered, gently rubbing my shoulder. I opened my eyes and found that the moon was pouring in through the cracks in the roof. It took me a moment to orient myself, but I soon realized that we were in the same position I'd fallen asleep in--with my back to his front and our legs stretched forwards.

I snuggled into the coolness of his bare chest. The dress he'd brought me was warm, but I was too warm. My simmering dream had caused my skin to shine with sweat, but Niall set my skin abalze with ice.

For once, it didn't hurt.

"Nightmare?" He asked after a moment.

I stared at the apex of the ladder where it descended into the darkness. I wasn't sure if it was a nightmare. It certainly wasn't like the one the night before, but it wasn't exactly pleasant. The details were slipping out of my grasp as my skin cooled against Niall. 

I gave a quick shake of my head.

"Good," He mumbled. Neither of us moved or spoke for the longest time. The sound of crickets filled the air, bringing a sense of calm to everything. I gently nudged Niall's foot with mine.

He nudged back and I smiled a bit.

I turned my body to the right so I could rest my cheek against Niall's chest and pull my legs up towards me, causing them to overlap across Niall's thighs. His skin was ice against the flushing red of my own and I reveled in the feeling. It was strange--just the night before, I'd been so afraid of the cold, but after the blinding heat of my dream, I couldn't get enough. 

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