Chapter 39

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A/N: this is onlY MY SECOND TIME NO H8

Mirabella's POV:

My skin felt like ice on fire wherever he touched me. I was so cold, I was burning hot. White flame shooting from a cannon. Infinite.

His fingers pressed into my cheeks as he pulled his hands down my neck, down my shoulders, to my biceps where he grabbed forcefully, pushing me up against the wall. I winced slightly as the back of my head came into contact with the hard wood, causing my mouth to open. 

He took it as an invitation.

Every nerve ending screamed as his clothes, wet with rain, brushed against the thin material of my new dress, brushed against the skin of my arms. I felt so alive I was almost numb. All of my rules, all of my expectations, all of my restrictions--all shattered in a moment of reckless abandonment. 

Did he know what he was doing to me? Did he realize? My heart hammered violently against my ribcage, painful in most plesant way. My hands shook as I reached up to loop them around his neck. He broke our kiss just long enough for him to nudge his head to the side, causing my fingers to slip into his hair.

I pulled and he made a strange noise, almost a moan. I was absolutely terrified in the most addicting way possible. I didn't know what I was doing or where we were going or why I was doing this, but for once in my life, I didn't give a single damn. He was intoxicating.

Niall grabbed the material of my dress on my hips and tried to pull it down, sending a shiver of anxiety and pleasure racing up my spine, but it wouldn't move. He'd tied it too tightly in the back, but he kept pulling. Our kiss didn't break as I could feel the fabric ripping in the shoulders. 

He was so strong. I could feel the veins in his neck as I moved one hand around to cup his cheek and press forward. It didn't dawn on me that my brand new dress was about to be torn in half. All I knew was that I didn't want it to end. 

Then it ripped, pulling the corset he'd so neatly laced completely apart. It fell to my ankles. I stood in only the dirtied, ragged white shift I'd been walking around in for two weeks. My hair fell over my shoulders and Niall wrapped it around his hand, pressing his palm against my head and forcing me closer to him. 

God, what was I doing?

And why did I like it so much?

The rain began to strengthen, sending steady streams of water through the holes in the roof, right over our heads. Water cascaded down my cheeks and tried to slip through the gap where our bodies connected, but we were too close. It pooled at our chests, seeping into the already dampened material. 

We stood in the rain, although we were indoors, kissing as though our lives depended on it, as though it was our last, our only. 

"'Bella," He muttered against my lips. I fluttered my eyes open for a single moment and saw his face tense with raw emotion. A drop of rain hit his cheek and I reached up to brush it away like it was a tear.

I liked the nickname.

He opened his eyes momentarily and saw me staring at him. Our kiss slowly broke, but his face didn't move any further away. His eyes scanned mine with intensity. He was looking for something--something I didn't understand. He was a complex man with a past as dark as the shadows of the barn we stood in, but it was addictive. He had a soft spot for me, I knew as much. 

Just as he ignited my spark, I doused his rage. We were a cycle not meant to be broken; a cord not meant to be cut; a force unbreakable. He gave me the courage to fly and I gave him the strength to stay grounded. 

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