The Sorting Hat

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As we walk up a flight of stairs a girl with rather puffy brown hair walked over to me

'Hi im Hermione Granger, Whats your name?' she said in a polite tone.

'Hey! Im [y/n] nice to meet you' I said, in the corner of my eye I saw a familiar blonde boy. 

'I'm sorry I've Got to go ill talk to you later!' I said and walked over to Draco.

'Oh Hey [y/n] where have you been. I've been worried' 

'you worried about me?' I said, he began to blush

'uhh...yes..' he said. I could see the embarrassment on his face. An old lady walked towards us and told us about the Great hall and how the sorting hat works me and a lot of other people weren't listening. 

As we walked into the great hall I over heard Hermione tell someone that the sky was a spell. I was astounded. I was walking next to Draco and stood next to him while waiting to be sorted 

'Hermione Granger' The old Women said 

'Griffindoor!!!'  the sorting hat said 

'[y/n] Gore' the wrinkled witch said as she put the hat on my head 

'Slytherin' I whispered to him 'if you don't put me in Slytherin ill set you on fire and then throw you in the black lake' 

'Slytherin!!!' it yelled shakily. I smiled at Draco and I saw his eyes lighten up. I walked over to the Slytherin and was greated by a rather handsome second grader called 'Corey Rye' he was awfully nice.

'Draco Malfoy' the old hag said the sorting hat was hardly on his head when it screamed

'Slytherin!!!' the Slytherin tabled cheered as he came and sat next to me 


Everyone had been called out and we had 7 new Slytherins and Draco already knew all of them. One of them is a pain, her name, Pansy Parkinson. Like for Merlin sake can't she just go be killed by Voldemort.  The Door professor [A/N I'm a very big fan of Harry Potter so yes I do know his name is Dumbledore and I shouldn't make fun of him but for the story] or whatever his name said a speech and then food magically appeared. all I ate was a few strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and an apple. while Draco was staring at me weirdly. 


After Supper, we went down to the dungeon and checked out our dorms and common room. it was gorgeous, It was connected to the black lake and you could see all the wildlife and the walls where Green and silver. There was a Fireplace and the fire was green! it was beautiful! I was lucky enough to get a room right next to the guys dooms so they could enter my room. sometimes its annoying as my door is glass and my beds right in front of the door but luckily the room across had a glass door too and the bed across from mine in the boy's dorm is Draco's!

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