Chapter Twelve

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When James woke, his arms danced over his head in an angular like stretch, as he yawned loudly, ruffling his dark brown locks. The white t-shirt pressed over his athletic form, wrinkled like a dry plum against his chest, as my sweater draped over his waist like a blanket. His long legs were slightly curled to the side, crouched towards his stomach in a fetal position, as one arm rested under a pillow, and the other arm, laid gently over his belly.

He looked so vulnerable.

I stood before the door, watching his thick lashes twitch once- then slowly, like a moths wing, flutter open. An extensive, pale arm rested under my black coat, which he'd formed into a neat, square pillow, as he yawned once more, running both hands through the silk of his hair. His golden brown orbs gradually adjusted to the streaming sunlight of the open door, as he squinted at me.

A light smile upturned my lips- my heart thumping as our eyes locked.

"So he wakes," I said.

He sent me a blank stare, his brows raised, before rising to the ground- scooping the coat and sweater in one hand. The urge to ruffle his unruly, spiked morning hair was tugging like a knot at my insides, as he curtly nodded at me, before pushing past.

I frowned.

The bathroom door slammed shut, as my coat and sweater were dropped to the ground beside the locked door. The sound of running water rushed through- as I walked to the door, crouching down to pick up my belongings. While I prepared to walk to the room I had peacefully slept in, the light rumbling of music streamed the door. The melody coming from the bathroom was so serene, so peaceful, that I had to stop before the door, and listen.

While most people sang in the shower, James listened to classical symphonies. I wasn't sure if the music came from his phone or perhaps, a radio attached to the bathroom wall, for the stream of the violin was crystal clear. As the music played on, I smiled- walking towards the bedroom, prepared to dress for class.

I gave myself a final look in the mirror, squeezing back my pony tail, which appeared a bright orange against the blistering light of the window by the bed. Smearing cherry Chap Stick over my lips, I turned, as the silky fabric of my knee length white dress, swayed. The sleeves reached my elbows, as I tucked a hand behind my ear, wanting the annoying strand to keep out of my cheek.

My naked feet tapped against the warm wood of the hallway, as I walked through the room, my eyes nonchalantly searching for James. The last I'd seen him, he was in the shower, but perhaps, he had already left the apartment while I was getting dressed. He had said not a word to me all morning, and now, he'd mysteriously vanished. Was he uncomfortable about sleeping on the floor last night? But that made no sense, since he was the one that took me to bed in the first place.

I chewed my lip as I pondered this thought, walking down the expansive living room till I reached the door. I slipped on pale blue flip flops beside the door- circling my palm over the knob.

I gasped.

A shiver crawled through my spine, as his warm palms pressed gently over my lids- his body pushed lightly against mine.

His lips reached the cave of my ear.

"Good morning," he whispered.

There was a hush to his voice, like a soft lullaby, as his hands squeezed blithely over my eyes. I suppressed a sigh, as the scent of lavender circled over me, swirling under my nose. Pressing my hands over his, I bit my lip, pushing out of his touch.

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