Chapter Eighteen

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Richard slipped his glossy sunglasses into the breast pocket of his shirt, the white fabric swaying against the warm April wind. His forearms appeared a light tan against the dipping sun, as he placed both hands into the pockets of his trousers, raising a questioning brow.

"Well?" he asked. "Are you coming or what? I don't mind carrying you to the car, but two slime ball paparazzi are coming our way, and unless you want to answer their questions, let's head out shall we?"

My eyes narrowed. "We're not heading anywhere. Not together, anyway. I'll handle the paparazzi on my own! I don't need your help. I'm going my way, so you can go yours—"

"You're so feisty aren't you? Listen, let me give you two options," he said. "Option one: you get in the car right now, and we head off to your home town, hand in hand, singing 'over the rainbow' or something like that. Now, if you don't choose option one, which is the more favorable option in my humble opinion, then I guess you're stuck with option two."

He exhaled an exaggerated sigh, taking a step towards me. A smirk rested on the corner of his lips, as I stared suspiciously at his hands that slipped slowly out of his pockets. There was a challenge in his gaze, as though daring me to do something, anything, to escape. But escape, I would not. I had nothing to run away from, so if anyone were to leave, it should be him!

I turned towards him, my fists clenched by my sides.

"Your little 'options' don't apply to me," I said. "So you can just shove them straight up your 'you know what'. Got that?"

His eyes were expressionless, as he ran a hand through the silky tresses of his locks- his lips striking an easy smile. I shot him a cold glare, before turning- my cherry hair flying over my back as the wind danced by.

My teeth clenched, as I spotted a paparazzi hiding behind a tall black SUV at the end of the block, snapping my pic with a wicked smile spread across his lips. A blue beanie rested over the man's large head, his curly black locks sticking out of the top. As I blinked at him, he tilted his head, staring at me in a predatory way, his beady eyes- narrowed. A ketchup stain rested at the hem of his white t-shirt, as his bulky form made its way towards me.

I took a step back, diverting my eyes from the paparazzi, and turning. My nervous gaze met Richard, who leaned against the side of his shiny car, his brows raised.

My chest burned in annoyance, as I jogged towards the car, shoving him to the side. I could feel his condescending smirk seep through me like a shadow through the night, as I slipped into the seat, slamming the door closed.

That jerk!

Perhaps I should have just taken the subway home, but that creepy paparazzi was sure to have followed me there. I had never felt so cornered in my life.

As my heart burned in frustration, Richard entered the car, strapping on his belt, and turning on the engine. The windows rolled down- the light gust streaming past my neck, as I slipped my hair over my shoulder, glaring at the driver.

"Take me home," I snapped.

He drove with one hand, staring lazily at the road, his finger twisting the button to the radio. The volume was low, as the stream of popular songs blared through the system.

"That's exactly where we're going," he said, sounding amused.

I shook my head, resisting the urge to rip off a chunk of his deep brown locks. He made it so hard to like him.

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