Chapter Seventeen

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The squeak of my red sharpie dragged across the small square box of the calendar against the wall, as I sighed, not sure whether I was excited or nervous. Under tomorrows date, written in messy cursive, read, "Carnival". The same carnival that James had adamantly refused going to. I stared at the date, my heart sinking at the thought of not going back home to my small town, spending the lazy nights listening to my grandmother's stories.

My bare toes wiggled against the wooden floor, as I turned, leaning against the white wall- glancing to the side at James. His un-brushed brown locks stuck out in all sides- long legs spread out over the black leather couch, a bag of potato chips resting in his lap. Crumbs dusted like snowfall on the lion road kill carpet, as the blaring sounds of the Discovery Channel played from the wide, flat screen T.V. plastered against the wall.

He was immersed to the screen, his golden brown eyes locked on the tigers running towards their prey. As the tigers cornered the lone giraffe, I stalked my way towards the T.V., annoyed that he was too focused on the show to notice me crouch down on the ground, wrapping my hand over the plug.

His gaze widened, and just as he stood, his mouth agape, I pulled the magic plug.

"What the hell," he shouted. "You know I waited a week for that to air!"

I stood, my hands placed on my hips- glaring at him.

"You also didn't vacuum your mess for the past three days," I snapped.

I gestured my hand towards the couch and carpet, sighing exhaustedly.

"Look at this mess! You've let everything in your side of the house become a garbage pile for the past month. Honestly, how can you live like this? I helped you clean last week, but you just start over and make the same exact mess again! You're supposed to clean any mess you make, but instead you just let everything pile up—"

"You're over reacting," he said. "This isn't a big deal. And if you hate it so much, then why don't you do the cleaning, and I'll do the...relaxing."

I scoffed. "You can't be serious. This is part of our rules, or did you forget?—"

"Oh, I remember perfectly," he replied, smiling wickedly. "But I think you're the one that forgot."

My neck flashed hot and cold- my eyes bulging. He smirked at my discomfort, running a hand through his messy hair, and taking a few steps towards me. I turned my head, my ears beginning to burn, as he placed a hand under my chin, lifting my head to meet his eyes.

"You're going tomato red, Princess," he whispered, staring down at me. "Are you perhaps, remembering that kiss you gave me about a month ago?—"

I stepped back, staring at the ground, then back at him, feeling my heart race.

"That was a mistake," I said. " means nothing, so just, I don't know...just pretend it never happened, alright?"

His eyes were still smiling, as he tilted his head.

"Oh, but it did happen," he continued. "I still were all over me—"

"Knock it off!" I turned, walking to the end of the room, towards the stairs.

He followed, amused by my embarrassment, as I walked up the cream carpeted staircase, towards the second floor.

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