Chapter 6: You Definitely Know Your Mean Girls

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I should have known they pulled a prank on me, that's why everyone was laughing. Ugh! I hate this girls.

"Um.. I don't know" I look around but everyone is laughing. Where's Jace? Maybe he did it and he's guilty so he didn't come? Is that why they were chanting his name in the locker room?

"Miss Davies, please go and get another shirt" my teacher yells at me.

I walk very fast with my eyes on my feet and bump into a bulky figure.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where are was going and--"

"Emma, what happened?" I look up to find Jace looking at me, concern clear in his eyes.

"For a moment I want to yell at him then I remember we're in class and I turn back everyone is quiet and staring at us.

"Everything's fine, excuse me" I quickly dodge and run away.

I head to the girls locker room and I sit down to think. Well, I guess it's normal for them to pull pranks on the new girls, right?

I stood up, changed my shirt and took a drink of water. I walked back to the field.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. Luckily for me everyone was running round the gym so no one noticed me enter.

I walked towards my teacher and cleared my throat.

"Oh, Emma join the group but you're still doing five laps because the team is in their second lap" he turns back to yell at innocent students. Sheesh.

I join the runners and they don't seem to notice me due to their own personal struggle.

I've always been quite athletic and so by the time everyone is done I'm in my last lap and everyone is looking at me as if I've grown another head.

After I'm done, the coach calls everyone together. "Everyone sit on the floor, now" he yells amidst all the murmuring.

"Now, everyone it seems as if our rival school, Hill Crest High, are hosting a racing event and I need the best runners we can get, so I'm picking the best runners today. 3 boys and 3 girls, alright?" He looks at all of us on the floor.

Everyone nods and the coach stars. "For the boys we have Joseph Ringer, Jace Williams and Harry Payne and as for the girls we have Sarah Styles, Harriet Slingman and Emma Davies" he calls my name and I freeze. Really?! Yippee!

I manage to avoid Jace for the rest of the class but after class I'm not so lucky.

I'm about to leave class when he walks up to me.

Um.. hey Emma, I heard what happened to your shirt" he seems embarrassed.

I muster up the courage to look at him. "Oh, that's nice" I say coldly.

He looks at me confused for a moment before panic crosses his face. "I didn't do it, Em. Why would I do that? Plus the girls pull a prank on all new students even the boys do it " He seems sad.

Maybe he's right but I can't think about that right now. "Alright, but that doesn't mean I forgive you. Why didn't you warn me though?"

"Because it would have taken all the fun out of it" he grins.

I narrow my eyes at him and he gets the hint. "I'm sorry alright" he smiles at me.

"Congrats on getting picked by the way. It's not easy to impress Coach Fisher but you did despite the fact that it's your first day and you got pranked" he raises his arms for a fist bump and I ignore him.

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