There once was a boy named harry

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okay so some of you who know me might know me know that i am a ver obsessive person.

for about a year i was obsessed with Cody Simpson and now i know everything there is to know about him. dont ask me how i just do.

i dont know why i obsess overthings either. i guess it just makes it easier for me to cover up other things in my life. yah...

so im going to list all the things i was obsessed with, in the order in which they occured

-Magic tree house series


-Harry potter

-cody simpson

-cody simpson

-cody simpson

-justin bieber(note that this was a very short obsession less than a day)

-josh hutcherson

-logan lerman

and here are the current things that i am obsessed with


-bites series

yp isnt that cool???!

oh i forget to tell you to the rson i started this thing. you mihgt notice that this is called a boy neamed harry well thats about harry potter. its a youtube video called harry potter in 90 seconds by paint. it was really cool and since i am a major harry potter fan, when my friends told me about it i had to check it out.

yup. but i like it a lot and it passed my awesomest test to i want you guys to go check it out. leave a comment on this story if you like it:P

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