Creepy Peeper

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The next day, you heard the door knock. You were afraid that it was the creepy hedgehog from yesterday, so you looked out the window, and there was your boyfriend, smiling and waving at you. You then opened the door for him, and you hugged him. "Good morning, Sweetheart," he said. "Good morning, Baby," you said with a smile. You both kissed, and he asked you, "Wanna go get some coffee?" "Sure," you smiled. He held your hand, and you and him both walked together to a café. You smelled the fresh smell of coffee and saw all the people working, typing, and reading books. "I'll go order," your boyfriend said. "You go sit down. I'll surprise you." He booped his nose, and you giggled. "Thanks, Sweetie," you smiled. You walked to a table, and sat down. You smiled and hummed while he ordered. Somewhere in the room, Venice was reading a newspaper. He read it to hide his face. He looked up, and smirked as he saw you. "Bingo~," he said softly, and sipping his coffee. You looked around, and then, you saw him again and jumped. "Hello, Beautiful~," he smirked, walking to you. "What are you doing here?!" You shouted, quietly. "The question is, what are you doing here?~" He asked. "I am here with my boyfriend. Not here to see you," you said, sounding angry. "I never said you were here to see me~," he said. "I just thought of this as a coincidence that we are here at the same coffee place~." "It is not a coincidence!" You said. "Now get out before he sees you!" "Well okay~," he said. He turned and walked away, but then looked back at you, smirking. "You're so cute when you're angry~," he said, sipping his coffee and licking his lips. You blushed and groaned softly. As he walked away, your boyfriend came back. "Sorry I took so long, Baby," he said. "That's okay," you smiled. Venice watched as you two kissed, and made a face of jealousy. Your boyfriend gave you your coffee and some scones. "This is nice," you smiled. "It sure is, __________," he smiled back. You both held hands and drank and ate. Venice kept watching, and then began to smirk when you saw him. He moved his eyebrows, and mouthed the words, "Watch out". You ignored him, and went back to drinking, smiling at your date's face. Venice then walked up, and went behind your boyfriend. You were both surprised and curious. And then, Venice placed two fingers behind his head to represent donkey ears. (Or bunny ears, idk.) You immediately choked on your scone, and your boyfriend got up quickly. When he did, Venice walked back. Your boyfriend patted your back, and you coughed. "Thanks...__________," you said. "No problem," he said. "You okay?" "I'm okay," you said. "I'm gonna use the restroom," he said. "I'll be back soon." "Okay," you said. "NOOOOOOOO!" You thought. As he left, you turned to see Venice, who was close to your face! "Venice! Get out! You're ruining everything!" You shouted, quietly. "You made me choke!" "I didn't mean to~," he said. "But you knew that was funny~." "No it was not!" You said. "What would it take for you to leave me alone?!" He looked down at one of your scones. "Can I have one?~" He asked. "Are you serious?! Ugh! Fine!" You were then getting so furious, you threw it at him. "Eat that you creep!" You said. Your eyes then widened as the scone almost landed on the floor, and it was picked up in midair! You then saw that it was Venice controlling it...somehow. You saw as he put two of his fingers on his left temple, and extending his right arm out. (Your temple is the side of your head.) The scone then flew right toward his hand, and he took it, and ate it, smirking. "You make me sick," you sighed. Eventually, your boyfriend came back, and you continued drinking and eating. And during that time, Venice left you alone. But he still had tricks up his sleeve.

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