A terrible mistake

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Strangely, your boyfriend said he had to go right when you were walking through the park in the afternoon. You thought it was strange because nothing much really happens with him. He told you it was a family emergency, and so he left. You saw him leave with a confused look. He told you it was a family emergency when he didn't have his phone, he didn't kiss you goodbye, and he didn't even walk you home. You walked out of the park, and walked all the way home by yourself. When you got home, you were tired and sweating. You had dinner, and went to bed. When you closed the door, you didn't notice the creepy-peeping, silver and gold hedgehog behind the door. You got in the bed, and laid down, looking out the window. "Oh __________," you sighed. "What's happened to you?" "I told you~," he said. You immediately widened you eyes, and turned around slowly, seeing a huge smirk across his muzzle. You got up, and backed up to the back of the room, far away from him. "What are you doing here?!" You asked, flabbergasted. "Well," he began, walking to you and tugging his glove. "I'm not here to taunt you, and keep saying I told you so~." "Then what are you...what are even doing here?!" You asked as he got closer to you. He then used his power to pin your wrists against the wall. You got so scared and confused, you struggled to get out. "How...how are you doing this?!" You asked. He then put his hand on your cheek. "It's a power that you can't resist~," he said, licking his lips. You blushed madly. "No! Please! Don't!" You shouted, squirming. He then leaned in, and slowly started biting your neck. You gasped and slowly calmed down. He then started kissing and licking your neck. You then started moaning and tried to speak. "V-Venice...please...don't...," you said, slowly. He looked up at you, and put his finger on your lips. "Shhhhhhh~," he shushed seductively, and winked. "Just enjoy the ride, Cutie," he said. You blushed madly, and shut your eyes. He then started planting kisses on your face slowly, and you started breathing softly. "Mmmmm...Venice," you said. He chuckled. "You're so beautiful~," he smirked. He then went down, and started planting kisses down your neck and chest. When he got to your chest, he licked a long, slimy trail of saliva along your chest to your neck up to your ear. You moaned as he kept kissing and licking you. He then got on his knees, and started kissing and licking your tummy. You moaned his name more and more as he kept loving your body. This happened for only a few minutes until he finally stopped. He then stopped using your power against you, and you opened your eyes. He held your hands, and looked in your eyes. "__________~," he said, softly. "You the closed your eyes and tears streamed down your cheeks. He wiped them and you said, "I...I can't believe I cheated on my boyfriend...!" You cried. Venice looked at you with a serious face. "__________," he began. "I...I'm so sorry." "Just get out...," you said, slowly. Venice slowly started stroking your hair. "Really...I'm really sorry," he said, tearing up. "Just get out!" You cried. He then started stepping back slowly, and left out the door, feeling ashamed. You then flopped yourself on your bed, and cried in your pillow.

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