Imagine joining forces on set with Alex

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ONESHOT - Actor Fic
Words: 2345

The weather was terrible, you walked with a winterjacket and a scarf only to resist the sharp cold wind. It wasn't freezing, in fact the sun shined but the wind maked it almost unbearable to walk around without those two things. As a horsetrainer you came everywhere around the world and if you had to choose you loved a little warmth over some freezing cold. But it was part of the job and for now you needed to ready the horses for the filmday at hand. What meant you needed to warm them up, clean them and maked the propper arrangements to their gear. You took a rope and walked to one of the paddocks that were build aside the set, to give the horses a change to strecht their legs. Arian was watching you from in the farest corner, his ears pointed foward, his intelligent eyes following your every move.
'I know what you are thinking.' You said to him. He wasn't the easiest, but he did his job excellent. From the moment you walked closer the wind caught him and he started to gallop around, shaking his white head like he was amused by the thought that you were going to catch him. 'Arian.' With the wind all the horses were a little hotheated. Knowing Arian would be on set today meant that you would need some extra time to calm him done before he joked around when he actually needed to be focust. But that horse got you good, standing still on a distant and cantering again when you came closer.
'She is trying to catch my horse.' You turned around to the voice. Alex stood against the fense, back towards you while he was filming himself and you on the background trying to catch Arian.
'If you put that on instagram I'll do you something.' You shouted. He turned around, curious.
'What will you do to me?'
'You don't want to find out.'
'To late.' He reacted on that. You shook your head, smiling and looked back to Arian.
'You better help me.' You said to him. He leaned over the fense, arms crossed over it while he looked amused towards Arian walking away from you.
'Why should I do that? I have the time of my life seeing you struggle.' He laughed. It was what the both of you did, joking around with each other. The second best thing about your job in training horses for series and films was that you had to privileged to work with some pretty amazing actors. Alex Hogh Andersen was one of them, his role as Ivar was the other thing that caused you to fall for him. But how dangerous and manipulative that character could be,Alex was the oppisit.
'Because you need him today. The less time I can prep him the more difficult it will be for you to handle him.' You answered his question.
'The more I need you, with other words, isn't a bad thing.' He joked, jumping over the fence into the paddock. Arian looked at the both of you before he walked over to Alex, he started laughing, petting Arian over the head.
'What did you gave him?' You asked. The horses were on a strict diet, Arian being so willing for Alex meant that he gave that horse something.
'My unconditional love.' He answered, smiling aside to you. You walked closer to him and took Arian from him over.
'I don't believe thing from what you say.' You reacted. He looked at you, your face half hidden in your scarf and started laughing again. 'What? Never seem somebody have cold before.'
'It's cute!' He squeezed your cheeks and you kicked his hands away. 'Do you need me to warm you up.'
'Not funny Alex.'
'I wouldn't dare to laugh.' He reacted, with a more tender smile. He was serious? He helped you and Arian out of the paddock until he looked on his watch. 'Need to go, see you on set. Don't get me killed.' He pointed to Arian while running off.
'I wouldn't dare to loose my favorit person around here.' You shouted after him. So saw him trow you a smile before he left you with that kind of feeling again, and it wasn't the first time you felt that way.

'Is he ready? They need you and him on set.' The setcoordinator said to you. You jumped on the chariot and took the reins.
'Let's go Arian.' You loosened the reins a little and he walked of, pulling the chariot behind him. For a second you felt quite the viking yourself, all proud and tough while you leaded that horse to set on some of the most epic attributed they had, Ivar his chariot. The wind laid down a little, making Arian more focust and eager to work. When you arrived on the set a large viking force stood ready to film the epic scene where the Heathen Army for the first time got showed of to Aella. 'Boys.' You greeted, Alexander, Jordan, David and Marco. Alex jumped on the chariot and took his place on the seat. 'You know the drill, if he gets axcious just play a little with the reins, give him something to focus on.' You advised him.
'I would love to see that horse to take off with you.' Marco joked, leaning on the egde of the chariot. They started talking their own language and you looked between the two in.
'That's my cue to leave.' You jumped from the chariot, Alexander laughed, giving you a shoulderpet while you walked over to Arian. 'Be good.' You warned him.
'You come safe me right?' Alex asked. You turned around and looked up to him.
'I didn't thought Ivar the Boneless needed saving.' You joked, he tilted his head and you walked smiling away. Arian was never alone, one of the stablehands was dressed as a viking and would be around on all times. 'Good luck.' You said to them before you left set. You waited with the crew behind the scenes. You loved to how a simple play turned out to be a whole series. You were part of it, not in it but aside it. Arian behaved, Alex was extrodionary in his role as Ivar. He had a thousand fangirls behind him only for that role and you had the change to work with him, to be his friend. You didn't only respect him, you admirered him, were draw to him, who wouldn't.

It was dark when you trained the last horse for tomorrow. The setgrounds were silent, everybody was doing his own thing. Most turned back to the nearby village, others stayed in the trailers on set. Rowen walked under you to the stables, you petted him on his neck from out of the saddle. 'What are you still doing here?' You asked Alex when you saw him standing before the stall of Arian, giving him a treat. You lashed him carefull with the wip while passing. 'Don't.'
'He deserves some treat for his good work today.' Alex turned towards you, his messy hair up in a little knot on the back of his head, hands hidden in his pockets.
'They would better give me a treat for my good work.' You laughed, jumping from Rowen before you started to untack him. Alex didn't react on that and your turned around to him, he just leaned against Rowen his stable and looked at you. 'What?' You asked while leading Rowen in his stable, closing the door while you kept your eyes on Alex.
'You seriously want a treat?' He asked.
'Why not. It's a job like another, you get all the fangirls and I just see an amount of money on my account.'
'You have the privilege to work with those awesome and handsome actors.'
'Are you talking about yourself because yes,' You didn't got the change to finish that sentence, Alex pulled you towards him, placing his lips on yours. You pulled back in an instant and looked at him, confussed. 'What are we doing?'
'Giving you a treat.' He reacted, looking down to your lips in that way again. You felt a whole lot of Ivar in that look and to be honest, you hardly could resist. 'Maybe I like you more than I let out.' He followed. Okay, easy decision. You placed your lips back on his, wrapping an arm around his neck while he pulled you closer by your waist. The cold rushed out with this kind of a kiss. His hand rested on the small of your back, you felt his fingertips on your naked skin underneath your jacket. Offcourse, Rowen took it as his business to put his nose against your hair. You started laughing, duking away from him.
'Go to sleep Rowen!' You lectured the horse. Alex pulled you around the corner where the hay was stocked and you felt his devilish plan coming from miles away. 'We are not,'
'A horsegirl like you, don't say you never thought about it.' He smiled his boyish smile. You bited your lip, closing your eyes when he kissed you again. You had to admit, this kind of luxery didn't had his fangirls, they could only dream about it. He zipped open your jacket, you felt his cold hands through you shirt, letting you shiver. But it didn't take him long to warm you up. You pulled your jacket out while he unwrapped your scarf from around your neck, in all that time you never lost touth of each other. He kissed you neck, you stroke your hands over his chest. Alex wasn't the rough kind, not like his character in this series was. He laid you down on a hay bale and hovered over you. Making out in the stables, you could scrap that from your bucketlist, just like the fact you were doing it with Alex Hogh Andersen, scrape that to. You pulled his sweater and shirt over his head laid your hands against his bare chest while he pulled out your shirt, leaving you in only your bra and pants. The rest went on his own, ending with the fact that you had to hold your moans for yourself not wanting to have someone looking around in the stables. Feeling him inside you, you clenshed your teeth with every movement you maked.
'Alex.' You moaned out in a final breath, getting to your higest point and explode in all kind of wonderfull things. And he did just the same.
'Stay.' He panted against your neck, the both of you laying half naked on the hay bale.
'Give me a warmer location and I consider it.' You reacted heavily out of breath.

Your alarm sounded like a killer in your head. You groaned angry, turning your head in the bed and looking to Alex. That little morning temper you sometimes had vanished like snow before the sun. You did ... you had sex with him in the stables and came here afterwards, making out ... again and falling asleep on his bed. It never felt better, your career never got this kind of turn before.
'Put it out Y/n.' He murmured. You noticed you still didn't turned of your alarm and whent looking for your mobile in the pile of clothes.
'Come on, where are you.' You whispered still half asleep. It took you a minute but you got it out, throwing yourself back aside him. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer, you murmered something and he chuckled about it. 'Am I dreaming?' You asked after laying still against his chest for a while. 'If so it was a verry vivid dream.' You continued. He stroke his fingers through you hair and you looked up to him.
'Not dreaming.' He promised you. You stayed still, looking to his calm face expressions.
'What we did, I think,'
'I like you Y/n, seriously.' He announched. You opened your mouth to react on that but there wasn't any protest left in your body.
'Same.' You only said with a soft smile. He pulled you closer, kissing you tender and you felt like the most happy girl in the world. 'I can never stay on your side, you know that right?'
'Because you work with horses around the world and I'm an actor?'
'Yes.' You reacted a little unsure, resting your head slowly back on his chest.
'Give it a change, I like you, even better, I want to be with you. Besiced, when you are on others sets I can come visit and meet those famous actors all around the world.' He joked. You slapped him on his bare chest and he chuckled.
'I'm worked on the set of Game of Thrones, maybe you will be lucky enough next year to visit me there.'
'Did you fuck Jamie Lannister there to?'
'No, Jon Snow.' You answered neutral. His eyes grew a little bigger before he noticed that you were joking about it. You laughed, hiding your head against his body.
'What I'm saying is that you are here for season five to so we have each others company for a long time.' He went further, all serious again. You looked up to him, studying his face.
'You really like me? A horsegirl?' You asked a little in disbelief. There was nothing special about you, you where very good with horses, social a little less with persons but when they started to know you, you grew fast into a friendship.
'You would be surpriced how amazing you are.'
'Maybe.' You murmured.
'I know your weaknesses to.' He began.
'Oh really?' You smiled. His smile grew a little darker, his eyes stronger and in just that couple of seconds it was like you looked at the fearless Ivar the Boneless. 'You win.' You reacted in a small voice.
'Good, now let me kiss you.' He demanded all viking alike, not giving you a choose .... Not that you where in protest about it to begin with.  

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