Hanging by a Moment

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*This is my first book. I decided to write a book on something that I would like to read, so here it goes...I hope you enjoy it. Please vote and comment.

Hey Hannah lol!

-12 years prior-

June 19, 2002

"Where are we going?" My five year old self asked.

"Somewhere" was the hesitant answer my mom gave me.

"How long will we be there?" I proceeded.

"For a while" was her response.

As we drove on we passed many small shops and motels. I tried to read all of the names of the places and signs that we passed by as we cruised along the empty road, but it was more of a 'nice effor' kind of reading. The whole time we were driving, I had only noticed two other cars that were both heading the opposite direction. My patience was running slim and I started fiddling with my seat belt. The silence in the car was driving me insane.

"Mom?" I questioned

"Yes" she replied in an exasperated tone. She must be tired I thought, we had been driving for a long time and she had bags under her eyes.

"Can you put on the radio, please?" I insisted, needing something to break the silence.

"Sure, honey" she complied.

Not a second later the car was filled with sweet, soothing music. I recognized the music instantly. Lifehouse was my mom's favorite band, and the song that was currently playing was 'Hanging by a Moment'. I didn't know the words and was simply humming along to the melody.

Somewhere along the ride I must have fallen asleep. I peered out the window and took in my surroundings. It was dark and I could only make out the outline of the trees and what looked to be a house. My mom stepped out of the car and the cool air of the night rushed in making me shiver. She opened up the back door on the left side and took my baby sister out of the car seat.

"Come on out, sweetheart," she said, "we are going to spend the night here."

My curiosity got the better of me and I asked her where we were. However, I got no response. We went around the back of the car and made our way to the front of the house. It was a two-story house and there was only one visible light coming from one of the six windows. As we walked up the stairs they creaked under the pressure that we were placing on them.

Before my mom could knock, the door opened. A tall, slender woman looked at my mom, and then smiled at me. She was very pretty with honey brown eyes, and dark black hair. She was black and had the brightest smile I had ever seen. Before greeting us, she embraced me and kissed my sister, Maya, on the cheek. I mentally noted that she smelt like cinnamon.

"Please, come in," the nice lady said, "You came a little earlier than we expected."

I guessed my mother could read the confusion plastered on my face because she answered my unspoken question. "This is your aunt Lisa, we'll be staying here for a while." Not sure how to respond I decided to stay silent.

After the awkward hugs, and predictable, 'You've grown so much since the last time I saw you'. My newly discovered aunt dismissed me and my cousin Danny to her room, where I was to sleep for the night, or so I thought.


There was a war between my mind and my body fighting to stay asleep, but my mind wasn't having it. I stirred and blinked rapidly taking in my surroundings, I had forgotten that I was exiled to the floor after my cousin basically forbade me from sleeping on her bed. My ears searched for the noised that disturbed my sleep, and I caught on to bits and pieces of a conversation, or was it an argument?

"... don't leave them" said one voice

"I ... for myself " said the other voice. This one I recognized as my mother.

Curiosity led to me having my ear against the crack in the door. The voices weren't muffled anymore, and I could hear every word as clear as day...unfortunately.

"I'll be back for them before the summer ends, I promise," my mom cried. Why is shy crying? Is she in pain?

"And how am I supposed to explain to them, that you left without saying goodbye? That you sneaked out like a thief in the night? Huh, explain that to me?" Aunt Lisa questioned exasperatedly.

"Don't," was my mother's one worded reply. One simple word was all she said.

I heard some rummaging and realized that I wasn't dreaming and that my mother was in fact leaving me. Not without a fight I thought to myself. I quickly found myself running down the stairs, taking two at a time. I lost my footing, and ungracefully slide down the remaining stairs. My mantra being, "I have to get to her and make her stay!"

But as faith would have it I didn't reach in time. The last thing I saw was her tear-streaked face, the night made her eyes seem cold, and heartless. I ran towards the car, staring hopelessly as the tires screeched away. She was gone without so much as a goodbye.

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