4 (Part 2)

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Chapter 4 (Part 2)

*This chapter is short because it is a continuation of the previous chapter. Sorry if there are mistakes, I try to fix as many as I can but I still miss some. 

*Happy Birthday Hayley, jou woman now!


"The senior dance solo goes to...the both of you."

Wait. "What?" Rebel and I asked at the same time, clearly confused.

"I have decided to change the senior solo to a senior duet," Mrs. Harmony said with finality.

She had this smug look on her face that told me she was up to something.

I decided to call her bluff, "It was always meant to be a duet, wasn't it? I said assured of my conclusion.

"Maybe," she said using a poker face. Bit I saw right through her little act.

"Then why did you make us dance against each other?" I asked still confused, and irritated by her manipulative game.

"So that you could see each other's strengths and weaknesses," She replied rather pointedly.

"I already knew that Laiyah has terrible posture," Rebel quipped.

"At least I don't have sickled feet," I insulted. Rebel made an ugly primal scoffing sound that mimicked a hungry caveman.

"Well, at least I-" She started, but was cut off by the clearing of a throat.

We focused our attention back to Mrs. Harmony, and I physically shrank back at the glare she was directing to us. "When you ladies," she paused and added dramatically, "or should I say girls are done belittling each other, I would like to have your attention." We nodded simultaneously.

"Now the duet is entitled, 'Cut from the same Thread' it will be unlike any other dance I have choreographed before."

A new curiousness, and a generally interest caused me to ask, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that you," she looked at both of us, "are going to choreograph this dance together."

Is today my lucky day or what? First I see her with Nol-... never mind. Now this! Who have I hurt in a past life?

Mrs. Harmony continued, breaking me out of my thoughts. "You're probably wondering what you did to deserve this wonderful opportunity."

"Well, I wouldn't say wonderful," I murmured. I don't know if she heard me or ignored me, but my bets on the latter.

"Since I opened this studio over 20 years ago, never have I ever given my students the chance, to create and showcase their own dance, until now." My eyes widened as she continued to speak, "I see something in the both of you that has given me the push I need to finally do this."

"So you're not going to help us at all?" Rebel asked surprised, I had forgotten she was here.

"No, you will choose your own music, style, and costumes, but you will abide by the theme." She smiled, and left us to ourselves.

"Look, I say we do musical theater." Rebel reasoned.

"Or we could do lyrical/ballet." I replied.

"So we can bore people to death?" she asked sarcastically. "We are better off doing something upbeat and comical."

"Or we can do something graceful and elegant," I said not backing down.

"This is useless, why don't you just drop out of the dance? You're probably going to choke anyway." I gritted me teeth. That was one time!

"If I don't dance who's going to balance out your horse feet."  She pursed her lips, and galloped away flinging her light red hair in my direction.

"I don't need this crap!" she yelled as she walked away. "I have to meet up with Nolan." She sang with her diabetes inducing voice. She said that to hurt me, and it worked, but I'm not going to let her see that.

"Have fun playing with my used toys!" I said waving her off.

"Trust me, I will!" she looked back, "Especially this Saturday at prom." The blood from my face drained at her words.

Of course he's taking her ,you idiot! Did you think he was going to ask you?

I felt frustrated at the fact that I was jealous of her, and at the fact that her and Nolan's relationship affected me. I bit my lip to hold back the comment I had prepared to insult her with, truth be told I couldn't say anything that could hurt more than she had hurt me.

With Nolan on my mind, I faced the full-sized mirrors again, and plugged in my IPod and skipped to my favorite workout song. It was quite obvious that I was putting my frustrations into the sharp hip hop moves that I was dishing out. The real question however was why am I so bothered by Nolan's new relationship?

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