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Chapter 8

*Two years ago I stopped writing this story, but recently I was inspired to continue. Thank you to PGSDonnie.


After the super weird heart-to-heart with Nolan's mom, I found myself alone at the gym. Last weekend was prom and it caused me to slip up on my diet and my workouts. I hadn't told a single soul, but I had also applied to Fordham University. Mrs. Harmony had successfully convinced me to apply to a couple dance schools. I was pretty sure that even if I did get in, I wouldn't be able to afford tuition.But I guess I applied to see if I was good enough to make a real career out of dance. I had sent in my audition tape two months ago and I would be receiving my faith next Friday. I wasn't as terrified as you would expect me to be, but that's because I already knew that if things didn't work out, I would be going to FSU.

Yep, that's right! I had finally opened my email, and was pleased to find out that I had been accepted to Florida State University. Go Noles! Deep in my heart of hearts, I wanted to be a dancer, no questions asked. But in reality, I will be studying my other passion, Computer Engineering. How did those two go together? I have no idea.

The gym was packed today, which was pretty surprising since it was a Saturday. I took to the tracks to start my workout, did I mention I love running? The gym was two stories, and was on the second floor, so I jogged up the stairs and swiped my card to access the gym. The tracks were empty like I suspected, save for one guy. He was on the other end of the track and I figured with his leisurely pace, that we would probably pass by each other.

Shoe to gravel, my feet pounded on the paved tracks. I was jogging to the rhythm of 'Wake me up' by Avicii. My workout playlist hadn't been updated in a while. As the song picked up, I increased my pace, heading closer and closer to the only other person running. Finally, I passed him, taking a quick side glance at his profile. To put it simply, he was gorgeous. For lack of a better phrase, all I can say is, he is the definition of tall, black, and handsome.

Being the hormone driven adult in training I was, my first thought was that I should slow down and introduce myself. Fear of looking like a sweaty stalker led me to do otherwise. On a good day, I worked out for an hour, splitting my time between cardio and weights. Today however, I spent most of my time running. The sexy stranger currently in front of me had long since lapped me a couple times. I spent this whole time running, hoping to gather the courage to speak to this beautiful specimen and hadn't even glanced in my direction once. Admitting defeat, I made my way to the locker room already imagining the future conversation Hay and I were going to have about Mr. Mysterious.


"Hayley, I don't think you understand. He's not Zac Effron in High School Musical hot, he's Zac Effron in Neighbors!" I yelled into my phone. I was desperately trying to Hay to envision how fine this guy was.

"Okay I get that he's good looki-"

"Beautiful!" I interjected.

"I get that he's beautiful, but don't you think that you're getting ahead of yourself here? I mean, you don't even know his name."

"True, but I do know, that he has hazel eyes, and a tattoo on his arm!"

"Yeah? And how is that going to help you? Instagram doesn't have a search by tattoo option."

"Why are you being so uncooperative? When you best friend calls you with some exciting news, you're supposed to be excited with her." I explained.

"Lai, just last Saturday you were pouting over Nolan, now you're pining over some stranger. Best friends are responsible for being realistic in times of need."

"Ugh, I hate when you make sense." I frowned.

"I always do!" She replied, I didn't have to see her to know that she was smiling.

"I gotta go Hay, love jou."

"Love jou!"


Even though it wasn't a weeknight, I was exhausted and I had to meet Rebel at the studio at 8am tomorrow. My bedroom door was slightly open, and I could hear the noise from downstairs. I had just replied to a text from Danny, asking me to feed her turtle for her. Placing my phone on my side table, I closed my eyes and welcomed sleep.

Drifting off, I could hear laughter and music as it made its way from the living room. It sounded like fun and if I wasn't so tired I would've probably gone down and investigated. Maya had forgiven our mother without a second thought. I admired her for that, she has always been the sweetest person. As a kid she would beg my aunt to give her the leftovers, so she could give it to the stray dog in the park that we passed on our way to school. She had a big heart, and was so easy to love. She just gave and gave, and it scared me because I knew that there were people in the world that would just take and take.

Soon enough my thoughts started becoming less coherent and I was on the freeway to Dreamland, but not before a certain stranger popped into my head. What am I going to do about this guy...

My prayers go out to anybody affected by the events in Orlando.

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