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Chapter 5

*This is a pretty long chapter, hope it makes up for the wait.

It's been three weeks since the prodigal mother showed up at our house. It's been two weeks, since I came back from Hay's house that I've been ignoring her. And, it's been twelve years that I have missed her, but my pride disallowed me to admit it to anyone but myself.

It's Saturday, but not just any Saturday, it's that Saturday. Hannah had already called three times to make sure that I was up in time for our spa treatment, that ,of course, being her idea. Also, Danny came into my room to wake me up, 'for real this time,' as Hannah cautioned her to do so. The fact that I'm always late put my friends on high alert whenever we had something important to attend.

I didn't even have time to eat breakfast as I quickly showered and brushed my teeth. Since I'm going to have to take my clothes off anyways, I decided on wearing my Levi black shorts, and my three-dollar, fitted tank top from Wal-Mart. Being trained in dance for the past 10 years has blessed me with a toned, muscular body and I was confident in my skin.

"Hurry up!" Danny yelled at me from the bottom of the stairs, there was a 'no nonsense' tone in her voice that left no room for argument. I slipped on my open toed shoes and ran down the steps, taking two at a time. The front door was open and the sound of a car engine was prominent, signaling that Danny was already in the car. The beep of a horn alerted me that I was being impatiently waited on.

I searched for Maya in the kitchen, as I grabbed a Coke out the fridge. She walked up to me mid-search and gave me a lazy hug, as I told her goodbye.  Maya was a morning person, so I was surprised to her looking so disheveled.

"What's up with you?" I asked, making an attempt to make my voice sound cheery.

"Nothing, I've been thinking."

"About what?" I asked, as I looked back at the clock in the microwave to find that only two minutes had passed.

She hesitated to answer me, but after a short pause replied, "Mom."

The conversation with my sister went from light to heavy in lightning speed. It annoyed me that she was losing sleep over our mother, and why had she referred to her as mom. Maya answered my unasked question.

"She didn't ask me to call her mom, I just wanted to finally be able to use the word," she murmured. My heart softened at her confession, it was true that Maya never had the chance to call anyone mom. Ever since she was a baby she has referred to our aunt, as Auntie, as do I.

As I contemplated whether or not I should give my sister a lecture, there were a series of impatient honks that seemed to make my decision for me. Begrudgingly I speed walked out to the car, only stopping to hug Maya goodbye.

"Alright, alright, I'm here," I complained as I sat in the passenger's seat. I grimaced at the cotton candy smell that escaped from the flower-shaped air freshener on the dashboard of Danny's car. She was forever boasting that people always stared at her car; little did she know it was because of shock rather than adoration. She drove a neon green bug, with eyelashes to match.

As we pulled up to the spa, I recognized Rebel walking out of it. Seeing as she was my nemesis, my brain automatically turned on insult mode. Not in the mood for an early morning quarrel, I held back the snide comments as if there were bullets in a gun.

"It's a spa you know, not a cosmetic surgery clinic, they can't fix your face," Rebel greeted. She obviously didn't mind insulting me, so I mentally put my finger on the trigger and decided to shoot if necessary.

"Nice to see you too," Danny said with forced politeness that went ignored.

"You're going to have to wear a mask so you don't scare people," Rebel chided with a smirk on her face.

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