Chapter One

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It was the first day of college. New environment, new people, new beginnings. Bruce let out a sigh, leaving the entrance ceremony. He didnt care much for it anyway. He walked around campus for a while, trying to get used to the place, and the people.
After a while of walking, he and a few  other students were led to the dormitories. He had a roommate that he hadn't met yet, though he didnt really see the point to having them. In all honesty, he would have just stayed at his manor, but the college was too long of a drive away.
He opens the door to his dorm. It didnt look like his roommate had been here yet. The room was pretty bland. Two beds, a desk, and a small bathroom. Bruce sighs, dropping his bags on the ground and kicking off his shoes.
He looks around the room before unpacking his things. He didnt have alot of stuff with him, just the essentials, really.
Though, right in the middle of unpacking, he heard someone struggling with the door before finally managing to unlock it. He looks over to see a green haired, skinny person panting. Bruce just assumed that they were late.
"Oh. Hiya!" They greet Bruce, waving with a smile.
"You must be my roommate. Unless I entered the wrong room." He says, laughing lightly.
The man ran a hand through his messy green hair. He had some makeup on too, making him look more feminine.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you got the right room." Bruce says, looking the man up and down before continuing to unpack.
"I'm Bruce. What's your name?"
"Jack! You can call me J, though." He says, walking over, sitting on Bruce's bed, his legs crossed childishly.
Bruce just looks over and sighs, already feeling the annoyance radiating off of the other man.
"That's my bed, by the way. Yours is right there." He says, pointing to the other's bed. Jack looks over.
"Already choosing beds, hm? A bit picky, arent we?" He says jokingly, standing up on Bruce's bed, bouncing a little before going to his own.
"So Brucey, tell me about yourself. Do you have some tragic backstory or something?" He asks, giggling.
"You're really annoying. Did you know that?"
"Me? Annoying? Never." He says before laughing again and walking over to Bruce.
"Already annoyed by me? Wow that was quick. You must be a super stern type of guy." He says, laughing lightly.
"Just go and unpack, Jack." He says with annoyance.
"I said to call me J." He says, crossing his arms.
"Why is it so important? If you wanted to be called J, then you should've just introduced yourself as J." He says, narrowing his eyebrows.
Jack frowns and sighs.
"Fine, but I'll just keep annoying you till you call me J." He says, laughing and sitting down on his bed.
Bruce lets out a sigh. Why'd he have to be paired up with this idiot? Literally anyone else would have been better.
"Jesus.." He mumbles, finishing up his unpacking, looking over at Jack.
"Where? I dont see him." Jack says, chuckling lightly.
Bruce just rolls his eyes, sitting back down on his bed. He already knew that he was going to hate living with this idiotic man.

Jack, on the other hand, was enjoying every second of this. Of course, he didnt know what this guy could do. He might pick him up and choke him. Though, on second thought, Jack would probably enjoy that too. Kinky bastard.
He just watches the other man, smiling to himself before unpacking his things.
He puts his stuff up. It was obvious that he had brought unnecessary things. But, though they were unnecessary, he saw them as important.
Posters, stuffed toys, makeup. He was like a teenage girl. Bruce looks up from the book he was reading, seeing the hoard of things.
"Why do you have all that stuff?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at the green haired boy.
Jack looks over at Bruce, giggling lightly.
"Huuuh? Brucey I thought you were ignoring me!" He says, laughing, ignoring the other's question.
"Maybe you could stop being annoying and answer my question."
"It's just stuff. You have your stuff, I have mine. Dont worry about it." Jack says, sticking his tongue out at the other and sitting down on his bed.
"But Brucey, your side of the room is so boring! Did you not bring anything to personalize your place?" He asks.
"Oh. No, I didnt. I dont see the point of it. Plus, it's not like I'm staying here forever. I have a home." Bruce says, not looking away from his book.
Jack just stares at him and sighs, laying back on the bed.
"Your so booooring! Arent you supposed to be that super rich playboy?" He asks in a whiney tone.
"What do you mean?" He asks, looking over at Jack.
"Your Bruce Wayne, right? Your parents owned Wayne Industries or something. I dunno what you guys do over there, but I've heard you've made your way around women. Super rich playboy..." He says, sitting up and staring at Bruce.
Bruce just sighs, closing his book and looking at Jack.
"I dont know where you've heard that from, but it isnt true." He says, his eyebrows narrowed slightly.
"Man, you furrow your eyebrows alot. If you keep doing that, you'll get wrinkles." Jack says jokingly, ignoring what the other had said.
"Aaanyway Brucey, I'm gonna go around canvas a bit. Meet new people..." He says, grabbing his bag and walking up to the door.
"Dont miss me too much~" He says teasingly before leaving the room, closing the door behind him, heading out to the campus court, probably to cause some sort of trouble.
Bruce just sighs, locking the door and opening his book. Instead of being an idiot like Jack, he actually planned to get some work done. He was going to do this, not for himself, but for his family too.

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