Chapter Six

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The two went to the roof together. The roof was large and open, a fence surrounding the area. A few people were there, but other than that, it was quite empty. And, for the most part, peaceful.
Jack hums a tune to himself, walking up to the chainlink fence, saying nothing to Bruce.

Bruce of course thought that Jack was up to something. That he might somehow push someone off or vandilize the school grounds.
But he just sat there, staring and humming, before he finally decided to speak.
"Harley told me about this place. She and Ivy are thinking about growing some plants up here." Jack says, chuckling lightly to himself.
"Why'd you come up here?" Bruce asks, still suspicious of this.
"Is a guy not able to relax? Lighten up a little Brucey." He giggles, sitting down on a bench, looking up at Bruce.

Bruce stares at Jack and sighs, sitting down next to him.
"I've always liked places like this." Jack says, not looking over at Bruce. "A place that's quiet and peaceful, and I can let my mind wander. Just escape reality for a while."
Jack closes his eyes, letting out a relaxed sigh.
"When I still lived with my family, I didnt really have any good ways to cope with it. I usually did stuff like smoke or cut and burn my arms to deal with it." He says, rolling up his jacket sleeve. His arm was covered with tattoos, but looking closer you could see some worn out cuts.
"I still have bad habits, and my therapist says that I might've gone a little mental cause of it. I wouldnt know, though." He says, laughing lightly.

"Why are you telling me all this?" Bruce asks, raising an eyebrow.
"We're roommates Brucey. You probably would've found out one way or another anyway." He says, laughing lightly.
"Besides, you've had a bad past too. I thought we'd be able to get along because of our shitty past experiences." Jack says, opening his eyes and looking over at Bruce.
"Wait, you brought me up here so we could get along?" Bruce asks, raising an eyebrow.
"I didnt bring you up here. It was your own choice to follow me, Brucey. Guess I'm just too irresistible." He says, laughing lightly.

"But..." Jack pauses, "it was nice of you to come here with me. Usually people would just ignore me or completely forget my existence."
Bruce frowns a bit, staring at Jack. He didnt know why, but he pittied him. He wasnt a bad person, he was just... broken.
"Aren't Harley and Ivy there for you?" Bruce asks, staring at Jack.
"Hardly ever. Harley does comfort me, but even she doesn't know the whole story. The two are too busy kissing every 5 minutes to comfort me. I just let them. Besides, it's the happiest I've seen Harley whenever Ivy's around. They don't need me to ruin it." He says, laughing a bit.

They went quiet after that. Most of the students that were on the roof had went back to their dorms.
Bruce was about to speak before he felt something suddenly lean against him. He looks over to see Jack, leaning against him. He was completely silent, staring forward, lost in thought.
Bruce just goes quiet. He was tempted to push Jack off of him, but he decided to let this one slide for now.
They stay like this for a while, completely silent. It was nice.
For a second, he almost thought that Jack had fallen asleep like this, if it werent for him messing around with his gloves.

Jack soon sits up, turning to Bruce, opening his mouth to speak before seeing that Bruce was staring at him. They were really close too. Jack just took this as a red flag and aborted the fucking mission.
He scoots back, falling off of the bench when doing so, his cheeks red.
"I was going to apologize but nope! You have to be a playboy fuck wad!" He says, standing up.
"What? Did I do something wrong?" Bruce asks, standing up.
"Stop being fucking attractive maybe, you shit head?" Jack responds, mentally screaming at himself.

Bruce was left confused as Jack yelled at him for being a playboy ass wipe, and various other insults.
"You were the one that leaned on me." Bruce responds, crossing his arms. Jack goes quiet for a minute.
"Fuck." He says.
Jack was about to yell more. Of course, he wasnt really mad at Bruce. He was more mad at himself for letting himself get close to Bruce, but turned the argument onto Bruce so that he wouldn't think about it.

The doors to the roof opened and Jack goes quiet, turning around as Ivy and Harley walk out, talking to eachother and holding a plant pot.
"Hey J!" Harley says, waving at him. Jack just goes quiet, waving back and walking over to them, using this as an escape route.
"What're you guys doing?" He asks, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"We're planting our child." Harley says, laughing.
"We're growing some succulents out here. We'd do it in our dorm, but we dont have room at the moment." Ivy says, ignoring Harley's comment.

Bruce just watches before rolling his eyes and going inside, making his way back to his dorm room.
He gets dressed into something to sleep in, and grabs a book, sitting back in his bed and reading it.
After a while, Jack was back. He peeks into the room quietly and walks in. He stares at Bruce for a few seconds before grabbing some clothes and going into the bathroom.

Rain started tapping against the window. He hoped that Ivy and Harley got inside quick enough.
The tapping on the window soon got stronger. Like as if someone was tapping a rythm. There were even a few low rumbles of thunder.
Guess it isnt Gotham without darkness and rain.
Jack sits on his bed, staring out the window at the rain, fully captivated by it. It was mesmerizing.
But at the same time, it brought back unwanted memories, and Bruce seemed to notice.

"Are you alright?" He asks, staring at Jack.
It was at the moment that Jack had realized he was shaking. He shakes his head and turns to Bruce, smiling.
"I'm fine! Just cold, that's all." He says, giggling lightly.
Bruce stares at him for a few moments, giving a small nod before looking back at his book.
"Well, if the rain bothers you too much, you can come to me."
"What're you gonna do? Fight the weather?" Jack asks, laughing.
Bruce just rolls his eyes, laughing lightly.

"Good night, Jack." He says, smiling over at him. Jack opens his mouth to yell at him for calling him by his name but instead he just sighs.
"Night, Bruce."

Am I rushing this? Yeah. Do I care? Not really.
but anyway! i hope you guys enjoyed!

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