Chapter Three

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Bruce didnt understand his roommate. Its not like he cared for him or anything, but he wanted to figure him out. He wasnt like other people he's met.
He always held this strange smile, and he didnt show any other emotions. Perhaps something had happened to him.

"Hey Brucey." Jack says, leaning against Bruce's back and staring up at him.
"What?" He asks, a bit annoyed.
"Can I do your makeup?" He asks, giggling to himself.
"What are you, a teenage girl?"
"God I wish." He jokes. "But I think you'd look good Brucey!"
"No, there's more important things to be doing. Isnt that why you came to this school?"

Jack goes quiet for a moment, as if thinking to himself.
"Nope!" He says, giggling.
"Silly me, I'm so forgetful!" He says, knocking himself on the head, and pulling away from Bruce.
"Plus, it's the first day, not like we have classes or anything."

Bruce just stared at him, though he couldnt say that he was surprised really. Jack seemed like the kind of person who just did what he wanted, and didnt care about the consequences.
"Well.." Bruce finally speaks up. "Unlike you, I actually come here for a reason."
"Ooo~! Whats the reason, Brucey?" Jack asks, giggling slightly.
"I want to be a detective. I want to protect people." He says, sighing, reliving some old memories.

Jack just started laughing, falling back in his fit of laughter.
"What's so funny?" He asks, his eyebrows narrowed as he stared down at Jack.
"Oh Brucey, your so funny! But seriously, why'd you come here?" He asks, sitting up, staring at Bruce.
"Im serious." He says, crossing his arms.

Jack blinks a bit in confusion and stands up.
"Bruce, you know the police are just a bunch of idiots right? Dumbasses who think everyone's guilty until proven otherwise. And at the same time, they dont get anything done right. They let criminals off the hook, soley because 'theres no evidence'. Think about it Bruce." Jack says, pacing around.
"The police help people." Bruce says, glaring at Jack.
"Then where were they when your mommy and daddy died Bruce?" Jack asks, giggling to himself as he looks at Bruce.

But, he got a fist flying at his face. He stumbles backwards, laughing lightly.
"Why so serious Brucey? You and I both know the police is a scam." He says, smiling at him.
"Dont mention them."
"Who, the police?"
"My parents."
"Oh, does lil Brucey wusey still wuv his mommy and daddy?" He laughs, falling back on the bed.

Bruce just clenches his fists, holding himself back from beating the man to the ground.
Thankfully, a knock on the door stopped him from doing so. They both turn their heads to the door.
"Hey Jacky boy, come help your girlfriend unpack her shit." Says a lady through the door.

"Girlfriend?" Bruce asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Not my girlfriend." Jack says, standing up, opening the door.
"Ahahaha, hey Ivy." He says, laughing.
Ivy glares at him, as if trying to say 'dont hurt her feelings or i'll break your ass'.
Jack seemed to understand and gave two thumbs up, walking out of the dorm.

Bruce just watched and sighed. He'd have to apologize later for punching him. He was already hurt too.
Bruce sighs, deciding to clean up the room since Jack had already made a mess.

He sighed, sorting through his stuff. Jack said he was finished unpacking, but really he just dumped his stuff on his bed.
Bruce rolls his eyes at this, sorting through his things, though was a bit disturbed from some of the things he saw.
There was a black journal, at first, he decided not to look through it. But when a page covered in ink and blood fell out of it, he decided to look through.

Pages and pages of complete madness. Doodles and writings so sloppy that it'd take forever to try and see what he was even saying. Some pages had dots of what Bruce could only hope was red ink, but he knew better than that.
He closes the journal, deciding he's already seen enough and he puts it up, making a mental note to bring it up some other time.

As if on cue, Jack came into the room, seeing Bruce sort through his things.
"Heya Brucey!" He says, wrapping his arms around him from behind.
"Y'know, I didnt really take you for much of an obsessive stalker type of guy, looking through my stuff and all." He says, laughing.
"I'll sort this stuff out, you dont have to. I bet your used to having a butler or maid do everything for you anyway." He says and smiles, pulling away from Bruce and sorting through his things, humming to himself.

Bruce just nods slowly and walks over to his desk, deciding to study, wanting to get that journal off of his mind.
Though, the journal exactly was what was holding him back on his work.

Jack walks over, leaning over Bruce.
"Hey Brucey you got that wrong." He says, pointing to a problem.
"Oh really?" He asks, not believing the other man.
Jack nods, writing out a formula and answer next to the problem.
"See? You probably messed up around here. Common mistake, really." He says, circling a part of the problem.

His handwriting was so neat and nice, compared to what was in the journal. Bruce just nods, a bit surprised about how Jack knew how to do this stuff. He just assumed that Jack had a fake highschool report card or something.
"Y'know, I didnt expect you to be this smart." He says, looking at Jack.
"Well this sort of thing happens when you grow up in a.. strict house." He says and smiles, going quiet afterwards.
"But why are you doing work anyway? I dont get why you're studying so hard." Jack says and sighs.
"Well I wanna do good here. Im not going to fail college." He replies.

Jack just sighs. "You're so boring. The only time you got me excited was when you punched me!" He says and laughs.
"Speaking of that, Im sorry for punching you." He says and sighs.
"Booo! Your so weird!" He complains.
"Your like some dead eyed business man or something." Jack sighs, sitting down on the bed.

"I think that we can both agree that you are the weird one here." Bruce says, giving a small smiles. Jack notices this and laughs.
"Yep! I think I know that by now!" He says, laughing. Bruce chuckles a bit before getting back to work.
"Wow you actually have emotions!" Jack says in surpise, giggling a bit.

Bruce just rolls his eyes at the green haired man. He had a feeling that being his roommate would be... strange, to say the least.

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