(3) The Prophcy

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Thrush Fall paded quietly to the fresh kill pile where Daisyheart was laying.
"Hi Thrush Fall!" Daisy Heart purred.
"I need to talk to you in the medicine den, Daisyheart" Thrush Fall meowed.
They walked into the medicine den. "What is it, Thrush Fall?"
"Well....it was a prophecy I had a dream about it and well......your in the Prophcy." Thrush Fall continued until she told the whole story about the Prophcy and how they would get the cats together. Daisyheart sat in awe for a moment before saying something just above a whisper
"Briar....Briar Stripe is my dead sister, she was killed by my brother dark pelt." Daisyheart mewed.
"Really?!" Thrush Fall asked astonished.

That night at the Moon pool Daisyheart and Thrush Fall were trying there best to find the cats they needed.
"Over there!" Thrush Fall meowed walking toward a Tall muscular Tom cat with a dark gray pelt and light gray spots with soft green eyes talking to a Small black cat over by the fallen maple.
"Um.....are you Rock Fall? From Rock Clan?" Thrush Fall asked dreamy looking.
"Yes, and who are you?" Rock Fall asked turning to Thrush Fall
"I'm Thrush Fall the medicine cat from Whisper Clan" Thrush Fall answered more seriously.
"I'm the Medicine Cat from Rock Clan" Rock Fall Meowed brightning up a little. "You are part of a prophecy and we need you, Daisyheart, Night Whisper, and Water Spot to help the Clans and you and the other cats need to journey to high stones and battle a Clan called Night Clan but this Clan is bad." Thrush Fall Finished.
"Oh.....I'll help" Rock Fall Mewed quitly as he watched the Clan Leaders hop onto the fallen Maple.
"Every Clan listen up!" Raven Star announced as the Clans sat down. "As Whisper Clan knows I am the new leader of Whisper Clan since Willow Star risked her last life's to save the Clans....and leaf bare is here" Raven Star meowed as if to take her mind of of her dead mother, Willow Star.
"Also We have three new apprentices, Thrush Fall watched as a small black and white kit jumped onto the Fallen Maple.
I'm so Proud of Skunk kit Thrush Fall thought to herself as Raven Star went on. "Skunk kit, from this day you will now be known as Skunk paw. And then there is Maple kit who will be known as Maple paw." Thrush Fall seen a pretty tall Brown she cat with Yellow eyes walk up proudly to sit by Skunk paw. "And there is Wolf kit will now be known as Wolf Paw." Raven Star finished.

"Come on" Thrush Fall whispered to Rock Fall. "I think I found Night Whisper."
They slunk though a crowd of cats to Night Whisper. "Are you sure that's night Whisper?" Rock Fall asked. "Yes I can tell" Thrush Fall said just slightly annoyed.

I know what I'm doing I don't need another medicine Cat to tell me what to do By the way I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have to. Thrush Fall thought to herself as she walked over to Night Whisper. "Night Whisper we need to talk to you, come over here." Thrush Fall Purred signaling with her tail to pad over to the edge of the woods.
Night Whisper starred at Thrush Fall for a moment like she was nuts. "So you want me to save all the Clans?" She asked.
"Yes with three other warrior cats" Thrush Fall meowed.
"Fine I'll do it.....to save the Clans" Night Whisper meowed. "By the way I'm a new warrior, just got my warrior name last moon gathering and I want to show the other newest warriors that I am as strong as them because they always taunt me saying I'm mouse brained or Fox hearted" Night Whisper meowed looking at her paws.
"Well you will show them" Thrush Fall said.

"Shhh....Beam Star is speaking" A old brown she cat said with out looking at them so they sat down impatiently to listen to Beam Star.
We need to find Water Spots. Thrush Fall thought to her self.

"And we have a new apprentice her name is Water Paw and her mentor is Shining Whisker'!" Beam Star had finished.

When The Clans were going back to camp something was pulling Thrush Fall to Water paw.
"Ugh....Water Paw" Thrush Fall went on as she explained the whole prophecy. "Why?" Water Paw asked suspiciously "Why should I trust a Whisper Clan Cat? Or why should I save all the Clans?" Water Paw went on.

"Be....because your Clan will need to survive, and I'm older then you and I'm a Medicine cat! This was a sign from Star Clan!" Thrush Fall meowed impatiently. "Look we don't have that much time, you, me, Daisyheart, Rock Fall, and Night Whisper need to travel up to the high stones and fight a bad Clan." Thrush Fall panted. Water paw sighed but said "let's do it"

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