Nico's Backstory

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Venice, Italy
  "Mommy! Mommy! Can we go to the park? Please mommy!" I was tugging at my mothers coat. Bianca and I go to this park all the time and we always swing together. Afterwards we usually get gelato.

  Today, though, mommy was acting really weird. She wouldn't say a word. She kept her hand tight onto Bianca and was walking really fast to get home. It was hard to keep up with my little legs.

  Finally mommy stopped and turned to us. I looked into her eyes and she seemed annoyed. "Mother what's wrong. Are you-" mother cut Bianca off, "wait here and watch Nico. I will be back soon. I promise." Mother then kissed us both on the forehead, gave a small smile, and rushed off into the crowded center.

  "Neeks. I got you something when I went out the other day." I focused on Bianca. She reached into her coat pocket and drew out a skull ring and a mythomagic figurine. I felt a huge smile grow on my faced as I threw myself into her and gave my older sister the biggest hug ever. Little did I know that the hug I gave her would be the last hug I gave her.

  As I was holding her she dropped the items and they clattered onto the busy street next to the bench we were on. "I'll get them" I shrieked as I ran into the oncoming traffic. The only things I remember hearing was Bianca and my mother screaming, car tires screeching, honking and yelling and sirens. I remember being pushed out of the way and my head hitting the ground with a lot of force.

  Days past as I was held in a small foster home waiting for my father to fly home to take me to America. When he got to Italy he had explained that Bianca had pushed me out of the way of the car and was hit and seconds after mommy had ran into the street after us and was hit by a car too. I cried for hours and hours. My father seemed to be mad at me for he didn't try to comfort me or even put a hand on me.

  Now at the time my father was always traveling the world for work. He spent most of his time in North Carolina. When we arrived in America we stayed there for awhile before moving to New York, NY. I spent my last year of middle school being homeschool in my fathers house. Then I attended South Adams Public High School or SAHS. And spent my first year there. Then I transferred to North Smith High school. That basically brings us back to where we are now.

Sorry for the short chapter. This is my first story on Wattpad so be gentle lmao. I will try to update as much as possible. Thank y'all so much for reading this! -Bela


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