Present Time

299 11 13

New York City, NY

  Beep,beep,beep,beep,beep,beep SLAM! Nico rolled over and pulled the covers back over him. It was 6:45 a.m. He had school in a little over an hour. It took him 40 minutes to get ready and about 5 minutes to walk to school, maybe less. He slowly sat up and trudged to the bathroom.

  He turned the water in and stepped in letting the cold water run down his face and stomach to wake him up. He finished his shower and dried off. He threw on some black clothes and ran downstairs and ate some pop tarts. He brushed his teeth and his hair. It didn't do much but it calmed the shaggy, raven hair a little bit. He ran to his room and grabbed his old, worn, gray book bag.

  He checked the clock on his way out which now read 7:25. "Early. Dammit I could have slept longer. Whatever. Now I'm just taking to myself." Nico talks to himself a lot. He grabbed his phone and headphones and put on a Twenty Øne Piløts song and turned the volume all the way up. He locked the door behind him and made his way to school.

  Nico pushed open the big doors of the prison and made his way to his locker. He got his books in his bag and sat against his locker since he was about half an hour early. He started to sketch on the inside cover of his mythology notebook. After a bit he got up and decided to just head to class. Greek and Art where his favourite classes. Mr. Smith and Mr. Grey are the nicest teachers.

  By the time he made it to class students had already been chatting in the hallways getting ready for 7 hours in hell. Mr. Smith didn't seem surprised that I was early. During my freshman year I got to school as early as possible to avoid my father, Hades. I sat in the back row in the corner of the room and spaced out for awhile. Class had started and the usual routine set in. No teachers ever called on me usually, and I was very great full for that.

  I spaced out again but that was okay because my brain in like a sponge and I always ace all the test. I don't know why but it's helpful. Soon the bell rang and then I went to my next class. The day went on like that and soon I was getting ready to walk home. I fled my last class as fast as possible and shoved everything in my locker into my bag and ran for my life. I turned and looked behind me to see if he was following me. I didn't see him thank god! I was begi-BAM. I ran into something or someone. Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Please don't let it be him.

  It was him. His ugly face stared at me. He pale blonde hair looked greasy and his teeth were yellow. "Well. Well. Well. Look boys, it's the fag! Hahah! Why were you leaving so fast. Do you have a date?" He sneered at me

  I brushed myself off. "Well,octopus, no I don't. And I was leaving fast to get home and do my homework." Oh shit. I called him Octopus. I meant to say that in my head. His face came close to mine "You just called me Octopus, didn't you? So you want to play the name calling game. Well faggot I'm not in the mood so I think we'll beat you instead. And next time you talk to me you call me Octavian got it?" Octopus sure yells a lot.

I nodded and turned around, then I felt myself falling toward the floor and my nose hitting the concrete. Feet slamming into my stomach and sides and head. I was hauled up and punched and spit on. One of Octavian's gang members punched my lip and it split and bled. He spit on me one more time and dropped me and left.

  I crawled over and grabbed my bag and hauled myself to me feet. My nose and lip were both bleeding and everything else hurt. I started walking but it probably looked more like stumbling and tripping. I bit my tongue to stop myself from crying at school. It took me and extra 10 minutes to get home. I dropped my bag and ran upstairs to clean up.  I looked at the clock. 3:58. Dad would be home soon and I'm sure of what's going to happen.

  I do my homework real fast because all I had was a social studies page. Then I finished my drawing until I heard the lock on the front door click and I heard it swing open. Hades is home. He looks extra mad today. This should be fun.

"Nico! Get your ass down here right now!" My fathers voice bellowed throughout the large house. I quickly rushed down the stairs and braced myself for whatever was about to come.

I walked up to him and took a deep breath "Yes father?" I asked as calmly as possible. I was trying to calm my nerves. I had a feeling this wasn't going to end well.

My father looked at me expectantly. "Well, you text me in the middle of my work day to tell me you had something important to talk about when I get home and now your standing here like a deer in the lights or whatever." He sighed

I motioned for him to follow me and I lead him to the couches." Sit down", I ordered, "and please don't get mad."

"I just thought I should tell you..that I-I'm.." I had second thoughts now what if this went wrong and he yells and me and kicks me again.

"Nico what are you trying to tell me" my father demanded looking a bit annoyed.

I bit my lip but stopped because of the cut. I took a deep breath again and looked him right in the eyes. "Dad. I'm gay."

Two updates in one day yay. I already have five chapters written and I'm not sure if they are going to be shorter, longer, or about the same length as this one.  -Bela

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