New kid?! New kid

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New kid?! New kid
New York City, NY--summer break

I wake up to beeping. It's summer break why is my alarm clock on? What the fuck! Without pulling my head out of the covers I reach over and slap the snooze button. The beeping continues. I flash out of bed and throw the clock across the room.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Then it stops.

What the fuck. Wait, it's coming from outside. I rush over to my window and I see a large truck and two smaller cars in the driveway next door. I squint at the large truck but I still can't read it. I rush to my nightstand and throw on my glasses. They are reading glasses okay?!The truck says Move Pro. Neighbors. New neighbors.

"Nico come here right now!" I hear my dad scream at me. I rush downstairs and he's holding an apple pie. "Go give this to the new neighbors. Now." He turns around and walks away.


"Kayla! Austin! Can you help me and dad with the couch!?" I yell for my siblings. I hear a faint "no" and I sigh and lift the couch up with my father, Apollo. We manage to get it in the house. It was the last heavy thing we needed to carry. The rest of the stuff is just little things. My Mom and dad got the master on the main floor. Kayla and Austin got the basement rooms. And I'm crammed in the mini attic. great. We decide to take a break. I'm sitting in our very empty living room when I hear a sharp knock at the door. "Coming!" I screech and I slip on the wood floor because of my socks.

I open the door and see a small, pale kid with raven black hair and dark brown eyes. He has a small nose and a light dusting of freckles across it and his cheeks, his lips were a pale pink and his eyes were huge. His hair fell perfectly on his face completely covering his forehead. He was significantly shorter than me. He was also very skinny too. He wore all black and had a silver skull ring on his right index finger. I noticed his nails were painted dark blue.

He cleared his throat and I realized I was staring. "Oh sorry! I'm sorry!" I could feel a blush forming on my face.

"My father got this for you guys. Here." He handed a box to me. I noticed that when he spoke he had an accent. "If your wondering about the accent, it's Italian. I'm from Venice." He said this like he's had to explain it a million times. He probably has.

"Thank you, by the way what's your name?" I asked him "I'm Will. Will Solace." I stuck my free hand out.

He looked at my hand hesitatingly for a second before shaking my hand. "Nico Di Angelo, you should come over sometime." After he said that he looked surprised with himself.

"Sure when are you free?" I asked him. "I'm never busy." I laughed at that. Nico seems nice.

"How about I come over now then! Since your never busy." He looks shocked, but he nods. I yell to my mom that I'll be back later and we head over to Nico's house.

We had to walk up so many stairs to get to Nico's room. Turns out his house is just like mine and our window are probably 18 feet apart. The entrance to Nico's room is at the very back wall of the attic up just a small amount of stairs. His room has old hard wood floors and light gray walls. In the back is a small closet and next to that is his bed, which is in the corner of the room to the left. On the far left wall is the window. Right when you walk in there is a book shelf with music, art supplies and of course books. There is a full size mirror and a few pictures hanging on the walls.

I walk over to one of the pictures. It's Nico as a child with some girl next to him. Nico has the biggest smile ever.

"Who is this?" I grabbed the picture of them

Nico looked at the picture and then looked down. "Bianca"

"Who's Bianca?" I put the picture back on the wall and loaned back at Nico, who had taken a huge interest in his shoes, "My sister." I was curious now. "Tell me more about her"

Nico then looked me dead In the eyes "if I tell you about my sister will you be my friend?" He looked serious. "Of course. I thought we were already friends." I almost laughed. Almost.

Nico sat down on the bed and motioned for me to come sit too. He began to explain his life in Italy, but never looking me in the eyes. He kept his gaze fixed on the floorboards as he explained how his only sister died while saving him. His voice cracked as he finished his story and when he looked back at me he had tears in his eyes. Without hesitation I reached over and pulled him into my chest. He broke down sobbing while I mumbled comforting words to him.

Nico lifted his head off of my chest and wiped his eyes, "I'm sorry " He said quietly, "About your wet shirt and probably making you very uncomfortable I've just never told anyone the story before."

I looked at him and brushed a tear from his cheek. "Can I tell you something that I think might make you feel less alone?" I asked him hesitantly.

He wiped his eyes with his sweatshirt sleeve while nodding. I moved back into his bed and leaned against the wall and motioned for him to do the same, he did. I cleared my throat and got comfortable.

"So when I was 7 my real mother and younger sister, Hanna and I were moving from Texas to Oregon. I was a really tough child to deal with because I hated my mother and sister. We fought all the time and I constantly tried to run away. My mother was done with dealing with me and sent me to live in a foster home in Dallas. She and my sister moved to Oregon and left me alone in Texas. She had contacted her ex husband Apollo and told him what she had done. After about a month he showed up with his wife Naomi and his son Austin who was older than me by 3 years and they took me home. We moved from Texas to Chicago, Illinois, then to Indiana, West Virginia, back to Texas and they had Kayla and we stayed in Huston for years before we moved to New York. Now we are here." I finished.

"Wow." Nico broke the silence, " that's a lot of moving" He looked at me and we locked eyes. I didn't take the time before to fully examine the color his eyes were. It looked as if someone had melted dark chocolate and added a bit of black food dye and then literally put the stars in his eyes. They are gorgeous.

"Thanks I didn't realize my eyes looked like melted food" Nico said laughing. I blushed realizing that I must have said that out loud then blushed even more because I thought his laugh was adorable. "Now you look like a tomato!" Nico yelled laughing even harder. He was clutching his stomach and didn't realize how close he was to the edge of the bed till he fell off with a thud. Now it was my turn to die laughing.

Our giggling was cut off immediately when we heard Nico's father yelling that it was time for me to leave. Nico offered to walk me back to my house but was stopped by his father saying that I was old enough to walk by myself. I waved a goodbye at Nico and he did the same. I went straight to my bed when I got home. I planned on going over to Nico's tomorrow to see if he wanted to go do something.

Okay I'm an awful person. Don't kill me plz. I had this chapter and the next one pre written but they got deleted and I was so mad but I was also really busy with lots of funerals and family stuff so I didn't get around to re making them so it's been forever and I'm so so sorry I'll try my best to be consistent with making more chapters.
- Bela

W.C. 1442

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