At the Beach: friendship

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   "The sun is so bright right now," Yori commented as she and Yukki left the beach house. Yukki nodded in agreement. "It is. It feels warm on my skin. It's also nice to be away from the school on this trip."

   "Yeah, you don't get much sun, do you. Awake most nights for patrol. Headmaster is a slave driver it seems."

   "It's not that bad," Yukki retorted, "Someone needs to make sure everyone stays in their dorms."

   Yori shook her head. "You fall asleep during class and run around all night. It's like you're a vampire."

   Yukki started. "Yori, y-you don't actually believe in vampires, right?"

   "They're not real." Yori looked at her with concern. "Are you ok? Have you had too much sun already?" They had just reached the spot they had claimed earlier with towels and umbrellas.

   Yukki nervously laughed, "Maybe I've just been alone in the dark too long. You know how spooked I get sometimes."

   Yori nodded. "Yeah, you're a big scaredy cat. I don't know how you last as you do. Zero helps, doesn't he?"

   Yukki shrugged. "He normally skips out now a days. I've tried talking to him but he never listens. But let's not get down and depressed right now. We're at the beach; Let's have some fun!"

     The two girls ran down to the water and splashed at the edge of the ocean. Sand mixed with the water and overlaid their feet. Waves receded then crashed back to shore and up their bodies. They dunked each other and relaxed in the sunshine. Yukki enjoying the time she had with her friend and not worrying about her responsibilities and Yori glad that Yukki was able to distress with her. They were both soaked and chilled by the time they decided to leave the water. Suits dripped salty water as they made their way back to the towels.

   They sat down on the spread and wiped the wet sand off their feet and legs that decided to travel with them.

   "That was fun," Yori said as she laid back, sun drying the small drops off her body.

   "I agree. It was the most fun I've had in a while." Yukki laid back with Yori and closed her eyes. The sun warming her back up and giving her comfort. Something peaceful for once.

   "Thank you for staying by my side," Yukki commented after a few minutes of silence. "I know that I'm not the greatest person to be around."

   Yukki felt her sit up and she looked over. "Yukki, you're an amazing person and I'm glad to be your friend. Don't forget that, alright? No matter what happens."

   Yori smiled and it spread to Yukki's face.

   "I won't," she promised.

   They laid on the towels until both were dried and sun burnt.

   "I think we stayed too long," Yori commented as she saw the red skin on Yukki's back. "Let's get back to the hotel."

   Yukki just laid there unresponsive. Yori shook her only to find her deep asleep.

   "Even here you fall asleep," Yori said with a chuckle, "What am I to do with you?"

   Shaking her head she pulled out an extra towel and draped it over her friend as best she could.

   "Well, I guess watching the sun set won't be too bad," Yori said settling back down and waiting for the night to come and her best friend to wake up. The sound of the ocean softly crashing on the beach and the bird's crying the end of day was peaceful.

                                                                        "Sleep well Yukki."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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