the idea

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"Oi! Hermione, over here!"

Hermione looked around for the source of the voice. Her eyes finally rested on the Gryffindor table, where she saw Ron Weasley waving in her direction. Harry Potter sat behind his best friend, grinning, and Ron's brother, Ginny, sat across from the pair. A little further up the table, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom were deep in conversation.

In fact, if Hermione had had her memory erased, she'd never think that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had been attacked a mere eight weeks earlier. But, she supposed, when the school was populated with highly accomplished wizards and witches, things were cleaned and repaired very quickly. The Great Hall looked the same as ever.

Hermione smiled at her friends and hurried over to them. She'd spent the summer split between Ron's house, The Burrow, with Harry, Ron, and Ginny; and her parents, whose memories she'd restored. They, of course, had been a little miffed at their daughter for erasing their lives and moving them to Australia, but they forgave her out of sheer gratefulness that she was alive.

"How are your parents?" Harry asked, taking a bite of toast.

"Really good," Hermione said, sliding onto the bench next to Ginny and helping herself to some eggs. She'd arrived only early that morning, having missed the train and feast the previous day. This was the first time she was seeing her friends since the beginning of summer.

"Were they mad at you?" Ginny asked.

"At first," Hermione smiled, perfectly content. For the first time in her life, she had everything she wanted: a stable group of friends, a boy who liked her back, a wonderful school, the ability to do magic...

"Nice to see you're still here," Draco Malfoy said sarcastically as he passed the Gryffindor table hand in hand with Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe and Blaise Zabini following closely behind.

"Looks like you've got a new thug, Malfoy," Harry said coolly. "I thought Zabini was smarter than that."

"Ooh, look, it's the Weasel King!" the Slytherin sneered, ignoring Harry. Ron's face turned as red as his hair. "Weasley cannot save a thing, he never blocks a single ring..."

Malfoy shot a look at Hermione. "Composed it myself, you know," he said smugly, as Blaise continued to sing, joined by Pansy Parkinson.

"You're an awful excuse for human existence!" Hermione fumed. "Come on Ron, let's go!" she took Ron's hand and dragged him out of the hall, the Slytherins' laughter following them out.

"Honestly, you'd think they'd be grateful after all we did for them.. especially Malfoy..." Hermione said once they were back in front of the Fat Lady.

"Some people never change," Ron said as they climbed through the portrait hole.

"I suppose so..."

"Also, half of their parents worked for You-Know-Who, so all we really 'did' for them was put their dear old dads in Azkaban," Ron added, sending Hermione into a fit of laughter.

"I've missed you."

"I missed you too," Ron said, his cheeks turning red. "And, er- all of you. I mean," he said, throwing an anxious look at Hermione, "I mean Harry, Neville, Luna..."

"I missed them too," Hermione said, also blushing ferociously. "But I missed you a lot."

Ron fell silent. "Everything's changed since the Battle of Hogwarts, don't you think?"

"Yeah," Hermione said quietly. "I've noticed that too. I can't stop thinking about Fred..."

"Don't." Ron's voice was rough. "Don't mention him."

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