the trick

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"What the hell?" Hermione whispered to Ginny, pulling her aside. "Did you know that Pansy and Malfoy are dating?"

"Of course not!" Ginny said, looking offended.

"Good, because I have had it up to here with this prank -"

"What prank?"

Hermione spun around. It was Malfoy. "Daphne here dared me to pretend that we weren't dating," Hermione said as sweetly as possible.

Malfoy leaned in close so that his lips were brushing her ear. "That explains a lot," he whispered. "I'm glad you don't need to visit the hospital wing."

Hermione shuddered, though whether it was from the thought of Malfoy realizing she wasn't actually Pansy or his sheer proximity. "I'm glad too."

"So, now that the prank had ended, can I kiss you?" Malfoy said sarcastically.

He didn't give her a chance to respond, though. He just leaned in... and... Hermione spaced out.

"What the hell was that?" Ginny whispered to her as they walked to their next lesson.

"I don't know, but I have to keep up the act, right?" Hermione said, frustrated.

"That's a total one-eighty from before," Ginny pointed out.

"He's a good kisser, all right?" Hermione protested, causing Ginny to laugh. Then, her friend froze in shock. "What about Ron?"

{ }

"You can't tell him, Ginny. He'll freak out and overreact even though me kissing Malfoy is a necessity if I don't want to arouse suspicion!" Hermione said.

"Are you sure it's nothing? Because you just told me that he's a good kisser..."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "That doesn't mean anything! Just don't tell him, okay?"

Ginny sighed. "Okay, okay, I won't tell him. But don't let him kiss you again if you can help it."

"I won't," Hermione said firmly.

{ }

For the rest of the morning, Hermione avoided her "boyfriend", which wasn't hard, especially since they didn't share any more classes.

"Time for lunch," Ginny said to her. Speaking more quietly, she said, "How are you going to avoid him there?"

"I don't know... maybe I'll just keep eating the whole time?"

Ginny laughed. "What is happening to you, Hermione Granger?"

Hermione was about to respond when she felt two hands wrap around her waist. "Malfoy," she said weakly, turning to look up at him. Their faces were so close...

"Malfoy?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and speaking coolly. "Since when did you call me Malfoy! Who are you... Hermione Granger?" He scoffed.

Hermione winced. "Of course I'm not," she snapped. "I'll call you Ferret. No, Draco... sorry, I haven't been feeling well today."

"You deserve it," Malfoy said in the same tone of voice as before. " You know what? I'd rather date Granger than you, you pathetic mess," he sneered.

{ }

"Well, you got him to not kiss you," Ginny said as they walked to Potions after a tense lunch at the Slytherin table.

"I know..." Hermione said, Malfoy's words still ringing through her head. Who are you, Hermione ... sometimes I'd prefer to date her ...

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