Dragon Cries

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Lucy woke up cuddled up to Sting, but this time she didn't freak out. She just hugged him and felt his grip get tighter for a second. She got up and started the coffee maker. She then made her way to the bathroom to get a shower before Sting woke up. She pressed play on her radio and started the water. Lucy's music blared as she washed herself and she turned it down when she got out.

Sting hid behind the door as Lucy came out of the bathroom. After she closed the door, Sting came and wrapped his arms around her body. At first he was unaware of her only being in a towel, but he still hugged her after realizing it. As Lucy was spun around by Sting, facing him, her towel fell off and she was completely naked. She quickly covered herself and glared at Sting. He looked at her for a moment and smiled. Lucy was about to speak when Sting kissed her.

Sting had feelings for Lucy even if she didn't have any for him. All he knew was that she liked it when he kissed her. He pulled her close to his body and picked her up. Out of instinct, Lucy wrapped her legs around Sting's waist as he carried her to the bed. Lucy and Sting were still making out as they got onto the bed.

Natsu ran from his place to Lucy's because of what he saw last night. He took a running start and jumped into Lucy's apartment from the window. Natsu burst through the window and planned on landing on the floor until he saw what was on the bed. He then ended up tumbling onto the couple who was making out.
"What in the hell are you doing in my aprtment?!" Lucy yelled at Natsu as she pulled the blanket over her exposed body. Sting was pushed into the floor and he looked pissed off as well.
"What the hell are you doing with Sting and why is he in your apartment?" Natsu was on the ready to attack if Sting said any wrong word.
"For your information she's letting me stay here for my vacation and she is also my girlfriend!" Sting was ready to fight Natsu if he came at him.
Natsu couldn't believe what he had just heard. He also couldn't believe that Lucy would go out with Sting. Lucy was the one he cared about and wanted to protect he wasn't going to let anyone else have her.
"No she isn't! Why would she go for someone like you?" Natsu lunged at Sting and threw a fist in Sting's face. The boys fought on the ground not using and powers, but still knocking over stuff and creating a mess.
"Stop it both of you!" Lucy yelled at the top her lungs and the boys stopped what they were doing. She angrily got up from the bed with her blanket wrapped around her.
"I'm with Sting and you can't just claim me of I'm not yours now get out of my apartment, Natsu, before I call Erza!" Lucy pointed at the window and with an angry glare at Sting, Natsu left.
Lucy rubbed her temples and sat down on the bed. Sting put things back where they belonged and then took more of any broken items so that he could replace them. Luckily it was just a vase and a picture of the whole Fairy Tail guild. The photo wasn't harmed just the glass. He then sat down on the bed next to Lucy and hugged her.
Lucy started crying. Sting wanted to ask why but he didn't want to upset her more. He let her cry until she was done. "Since it was partially my fault, I'm going to replace the broken items."
"Thank you." Lucy hugged him back and then got up to get dressed. "I'm thinking about keeping my window locked more often to keep that from happening. Let's go to the guild so I can grab a job." Lucy made sure the window was locked before grabbing her purse.
The couple walked through Magnolia towards Fairy Tail. When they got in the guild Lucy went straight to the bar to talk with Mira. Lucy spilled what had happened with Natsu and even Mira agreed that he acted pretty immaturely. Mira gave Sting and Lucy milkshakes on the house and they walked over to the job board. They held hands as they walked it turned heads.
Whispers were heard as Lucy and Sting looked at the posted jobs. Normally Lucy went for easy jobs by herself but today she picked a harder job because Sting was with her and he would be able to help. They grabbed a job off the board and headed back to Mira.
Mira gave Lucy the details of the job and wrote down the directions to get to the village. Lucy and Sting made a stop by Lucy's place real quick to get a few snacks, grab the first aid kit, then then they left. The village was north of Magnolia a few miles. It was being overrun with bandits so it was a perfect job for Sting to help with.
The couple walked for a few hours before coming to what seemed like an abandoned town. They walked around looking for someone who could help then figure out what's going on. Lucy spotted someone tied to a pole and immediately ran over to help. She untied the person and waited for them to speak. Sting gave the person water.
All of a sudden the person tried to jump into Lucy with a dagger. Sting pushed the person back and then got into a fighting stance. Soon the town street was filled with bandits. Lucy and Sting were surrounded.
"Gate of the ram, I open thee Aries!" Lucy yelled and Arises appeared. "How may I help you?" Aries was very shy but Lucy was a good friend to her. "I need you to create a fog, please." With that command Aries made a pink fluffy fog appear that the bandits couldn't see out of. "Thank you, Aries." Lucy closed the gate and then summoned Virgo.
"Is it punishment time, Princess?" Lucy didn't like the punishment part but she ignored it. "I need you to dig some holes and get rid of these bandits." Virgo nodded then went underground. Sting heard bandits yell as they were sucked into the earth. The fog cleared, but a good number of bandits still remained. For about 2 hours Lucy and Sting went at the bandits with all their attacks and managed to finish them off with a unison raid. It was a  bright light with stars going towards enemies. Lucy collapsed out of exhaustion, but was still conscious. 

"I haven't used that much energy in a while. Usually Natsu gets pissed and destroys everything." She smiled as she sat on the ground for a minute. Sting helped her up to her feet and they looked around town for the locals. Sting smelled something towards the jail and they found the locals stuffed into the cells. Sting tore the metal doors off and freed everyone. 

The mayor thanked Sting and Lucy and promised to send the money as soon as they got it back from all the bandits. They then made their way back to Fairy Tail with a note to confirm the job was successfully done. Both mages just had scratches and bruises, other than that no need for alarm. Lucy had put some disinfectant on the wounds to keep from infection. They soon got to the guild and gave the note to  Mira. They got celebratory milkshakes and just enjoyed themselves. 

Natsu came in and pulled Lucy over to a table to talk to her. He had been looking for her to ask if she wanted to go on a mission. "Did you seriously go on a mission with him? We are team Natsu, we go on missions together." He was not happy about Sting and Lucy going on one. Lucy got pissed and yelled at him. " You do not dictate who I go on jobs with! You are not with me so you don't have that kind of power! I choose who I go with and I had decided to go with Sting for that one. If you can't accept that then I'm sorry, Natsu." Lucy turned around and went back to sitting next to Sting. 

Natsu ran out of the guild trying not to cry. He wanted to keep Lucy with him. He liked her that much, but he could never get up enough nerve to tell her. He ran as far as he could until he came to a waterfall outside of town. He climbed the rocks to the top and gave out the loudest roar. Tears finally came down his eyes as he fell. He was out of energy. Down he fell into the water. He became unconscious when he hit.  

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