chapter two

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The loud beeping noise woke him from his slumber, groaning he reached out for the alarm clock and threw it at the wall causing a loud bang to erupt through the apartment. He was beginning to question his career choice; these early mornings were really beginning to catch up on him bringing down his energy level which was never good. He decided it was about time he told his fellow band members that 4:30am shouldn’t exist and that they should petition about it or something, happy with his little plan he dragged himself out of his bed mumbling something about the stupidness of mornings and dragged his feet towards the kitchen, he seemed to have this problem where even if his head was saying no his stomach would take him to the kitchen basically demanding food at the most inconvenient times of day, not that he minded of course, it was him that had the reputation of being the hungry one so as far as Niall was concerned he was just living up to his name.

The cold air came as a shock to his still half asleep body as he dragged himself into the car that waited outside his apartment, this was another thing he hated about early mornings; it was still dark. Which of course made it even harder to get out of bed when it was pitch black outside his body always seemed to switch off as it got dark.

The car seemed to arrive quicker than he would have liked leaving him no time what so ever to even rest his eyes thanking the driver he jumped out and made his way into the large building greeting a couple of passers on his way who seemed to notice his presence. He couldn’t even remember why he was here at this time; all he had been told by Louis was to come here, well in Louis’ words.

‘Get your arse here for 5:00am or you’ll be in trouble leprechaun’

Niall chuckled to himself, Louis was the only person who could make him laugh at this time of a morning, it really was quite fascinating how Louis always had bags of energy at every time in the day but at the same time extremely annoying, especially when he pestered the younger boys to have a drink when all they wanted to do was sleep but they loved him.

‘Good morning Niall, so glad you could join us’ Simon greeted a grumpy looking Niall at the door way of his office. Simon chuckled as Niall practically grumbled his reply and fell on to the sofa in the middle of the room where a sleeping Harry lay.

‘Where’s the rest?’ he asked looking around the rather empty room.

‘Well Zayn and Liam are yet to arrive and Louis, well Louis is riding a skateboard down the stairs’ Simon replied shaking his head when he spoke about Louis.

‘Are you serious? I worry about him sometimes you know’’

Simon just chuckled in reply.

‘’I mean honestly Uncle Sci do you think we should have some tests run on him? I think he might have that thing where he has a mind of like; well I don’t know a 6 year old? Like really, he’s meant to be the oldest of the bad but acts the youngest’’ Niall said thoughtfully stroking his imaginary beard playfully.

‘’you know what Niall, I think you might be on to something there’’ Simon grinned. Just at that very moment Louis barged through the door holding a toy gun with two green stripes painted on each cheek grinning and screaming.

‘’Put your hands up!’’

Niall and Simon just looked at each other, raised their hands in the air and shook their heads. Niall knew he was right about this boy, there was just no stopping him, unpredictable just wasn’t even the word to describe him. Louis was now crawling around the room on his belly shouting.


It really was a wonder what went on in his mind each day he seemed to have some sort of role play and he would pretend to be something, the other day he was a pilot and was pretending to be an aeroplane in the middle of an interview, as he was running around the room swaying his arms he ran which resulted in knocking the water dispenser over and spraying the rest of the boys till they were drenched from head to toe, Louis found it hilarious but the others not so much.   

Zayn and Liam walked into the room looking sleepy and grouchy, they took one look at Louis who was now lay on a table and collapsed into the sofa.

‘’will someone tie him to a post and stuff a sock in his mouth already?, I have a killer head ache’’ Zayn complained rubbing his temples. Niall figured it was his own fault he had probably been out until all hours trying to get laid, so the blonde boy had no sympathy for him.

‘’Louis, that’s enough now come on we have places to be’’ Simon clapped his hands together. Louis just pouted and opened his mouth to protest but was quickly cut off by Simon speaking again.

‘’and no buts, you leave the gun here wipe your face and sit down’’ he ordered.

‘’Ahh, no can do Uncle Sci either the gun comes with or the paint stays on, up to you’’ Louis grinned. Simon shook his head and let out a throaty chuckle he knew Louis wouldn’t listen anyway.

‘’fine, the paint stays now sit’’ he pointed at the sofa and Louis threw the gun onto the desk and jumped into Harry’s lap making him stir quickly and leap up sending Louis flying onto the floor. Simon didn’t even bother to say anything and just walked to the door motioning to Liam to round up the boys and follow on.

The five of them followed Simon and his assistant through a series of plain corridors still with no idea of where they were going. Niall was beginning to get bored and tapped Louis on the arm.

‘’we need to have some fun Lou, I’m bored’’ He whispered.

‘’Good thinking Niallonator I was starting to worry you’d all turned into robots or something’’ he winked. He made his way to the front of the boys and walked normally for around 10 seconds before pinching Simons bum and then running back to his place at the back next to Niall. Niall had to try his absolute hardest not to burst out laughing as Louis tried to start up a conversation so it looked like he had been there the whole time. Simon span around eyeing each of the boys suspiciously particularly he and Louis, but they never looked in his direction and kept up their conversation about fish. Simon shook his head and turned back around and carried on walking all of the boys giggled quietly and winked at Louis. Niall realised this was the worst thing that they could have done as he knew it would only make Louis worse and as he had thought it did, Louis skipped over to Simon again but this time he walked next to him and struck up a conversation, while Simon was speaking he reached out and pinched his bum again and then crossed his arms over his chest as he walked. Simon span around quicker this time trying to catch the person out. Louis placed a hand on his shoulder and looked confused.

‘’what’s wrong Simon?’’ he asked.

‘’er, erm nothing-nothing Louis’’ and he turned back around scratching his head.

‘’oh right, okay’’ he smiled and joined the boys again who just laughed at him happy he had entertained them for a while.

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