chapter three

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Simon came to a stop in front of a large frosted glass door after around 15 minutes of walking they had arrived. It aggravated Simon how far they had been forced to walk to get to one room. He turned around to find only 3 members of his beloved boy band.

As would be expected harry and Zayn were hitting on a pair of blonde receptionists that looked far too available for Simons liking and much to his amusement they seemed to be unsure of who the boys were. He chuckled as he watched Harrys face turn more and more uninterested in the girl.

Liam was playing with a flashing toothbrush ‘ooing’ and ‘ahing’ every time it turned red. Simon shrugged Liam was a funny one sometimes.

The thing that did concern him though was the fact that Niall and Louis were nowhere in sight. Simon knew this wasn’t good in any way shape or form. He wouldn’t be too worried if it was only Niall missing alone, the young Irish boy was more than capable of looking after himself but it was the fact that Niall and Louis were together. Everyone knew just as well as him that Louis should never be alone. He winced remembering the time he disappeared for 6 hours straight and they found him in a fridge eating cheese. He was baffled they couldn’t have gotten far; he figured looking down the hallway hoping for a mop of blonde or brown hair to emerge. But nothing came.

‘’Zayn, Harry here now!’’ he ordered to the younger boys who snapped their heads up at the sound of their names, pouting in protest but obeying anyway and shuffling their feet slowly towards their boss. They knew better than to argue with him, everyone did.

‘’have any of you seen Niall and Louis?’’ he asked watching Harry’s eyes scan the room. Zayn shrugged, clearly uninterested in the topic as a brunette that was fluttering her eyelashes and sticking her chest out in hope that he would notice her, it seemed she succeeded as Zayn’s hungry eyes found her own and he threw a wink in her direction.

Simon sighed and batted him away knowing he was no use here, he sauntered over to the girl engaging in conversation immediately.

‘’well?’’ He turned to Harry.

‘’I thought they were still here’’ he shrugged scanning the room once again.

‘’Liam’’ Simon called.  Liam made his way over quickly shoving his toothbrush into his back pocket and raising his eyebrows at Simon.


‘’You haven’t seen Louis and Niall have you?’’

Liam’s eyes widened with horror as he looked around the room and began pacing back and forth running a finger threw his brown tassels.

‘’this is bad, this is very bad, this is so bad’’ he repeatedly muttered over and over practically ripping his hair out.

‘’Liam please calm down for me?’’

He paid no attention to his boss what so ever and turned to Harry.

‘’You take the corridor, I’ll take the stairs’’ he nodded at the younger boy who seemed to know exactly why Liam was panicking and he nodded quickly running to Zayn and muttering in his ear. Zayn perked up at Harry’s words and jumped away from the girl and set off at a run down the corridor they had not long walked up. If Simon had been confused before he was now at his worst point.

He watched Liam and Harry exchange a few more words as to which Liam looked so panicked he might explode and they both set off at a sprint the way Zayn had just come.

‘’Wait where are you going’’ He called after them but they were long gone, and Simon was left on his own with a bunch of horny girls. He stood his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

What was going on? He wondered.

Liam carried on running as fast as his legs could carry him down the long white corridors, trying to figure out which way Louis would have gone.

How could they be so stupid? Why did they run off like that? Liam wondered deciding he was going to rip their heads off when he found them. If he found them. By now it could already be too late he panicked. But quickly shook off this feeling no, no they would find them he told himself.

The sweat was dripping off the 18 year old but he kept running determined to find his band mate before, well he did.

He came to a stop as he ran out of the building doors, skidding at the edge of the path before he got knocked out by the flying cars. He span in circles looking in every direction begging, just pleading and begging for them both to be okay.

Harry ran and ran and ran up the multiple flights of stairs, his legs turning to jelly at every other step he took. He didn’t have a clue where he was or where to go he just needed to find the other two boys. He knew, he just knew they should have told Simon, even hinted but they didn’t even think. They had been too terrified to even think of their safety, they had even thought about fleeing the country but Liam being the sensible one decided that wasn’t an option. So the opted for plan B; carry on as normal, keep your mouth shut and watch your back.

He was furious as to why Niall and Louis had been so careless; they could be dead by now for all Harry knew. Of course Louis being the idiot he was probably got so carried away with whatever the two of them were doing he forgot but Niall, not Niall he would have remembered surely? Who could possibly forget?

He barged through the first door he came across realising that he had in fact reached the top of the extremely high building. He stood on the roof, the winds sending his hair flying across his face covering his eyes. He squinted trying to see properly it was still dark and a ridiculous time of the morning. He wandered around the fairly large space searching high and low for his band mates but had no luck. Defeated he set off running again back the way he came in search of another door.

Zayn ran too but to a different destination. On his way up here he had noticed the small corridor that veered off to the right figuring if Louis was up to his own tricks he would likely find the boys there. Zayn wasn’t too worried knowing that they could definitely look after themselves but still he knew if he didn’t get there fast enough things could get nasty.

He made it to this extra pathway and slowed to a walk, listening out for any sign of the other two. His pants and heavy breathing made this hard for himself though. He held his breathe and walked slowly down the path but he heard nothing but his light footfalls against the flooring underneath him. Shaking his head he carried on.

A large hand wrapped around Zayn’s right wrist and hauled him into a room on the right, Zayn screamed out but only for a fraction of a second before a second large hand covered him mouth tightly muffling his screams to a mere whisper. Zayn tried biting down on the persons hand but couldn’t quite catch a grip. He was flung into a corner and landed on something quite soft. It was only till he heard a whimper he sprang off the object and realised it was in fact another person. The room was dark so he could only see a silhouette of the figure but knew instantly that it was Niall. He was crying tears just streaming down his pained face.

‘’where’s Louis?’’ Zayn whispered to the blonde boy. Niall’s eyes grew wide.

‘’I-I don’t know, he got away I think’’ he choked. Zayn nodded hoping he hadn’t been caught.

‘’well,well,well what do we have here then’’ A deep voice filled the room making the hairs on the back of both boys necks stand on end as the shuddered listening to the man’s footsteps coming closer and closer toward them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2012 ⏰

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