Kagome's Friend

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They were about 10 minutes away from Kagome's house, when Inuyasha heard something. After concentrating a bit, he heard someone rummaging through a trash can. After he had confirmed that the noise had come from a nearby alley, he held up a hand to signal that Kagome should stay there, and then he walked over to the alley where he had heard the noise. While scanning the dank alley, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye.

Readying himself in case there was going to be a fight; he looked around the alley in case the unknown person went after the others. All of a sudden, someone jumped out of a mound of trash and started running straight towards him!

Instead of trying to attack him, though, the strange person jumped over his head and, for lack of a better word, glomped Kagome.

For some reason, Inuyasha started seeing red. But he didn't go over there and rip the person's head off. What he did do was open his mouth to ask who the hell he was and what the fuck was going on.

"Who the hell is he and what the-" That was as far as he got before he got cut off.

"Kagome," the person started saying. "It's great to see you. Why haven't you come to visit? It feels like a century since I last saw you."

"It's good to see you too. And I have been busy. I've been very busy with school, and a couple days ago one of our servants tried to kill me."

"Crap, that sucks."

"It's not too bad, I found this guy to replace her."

At this, Inuyasha walked over to Kagome and introduced himself to her friend.

"I'm Inuyasha Taisho. Who the hell are you?"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Simon. And before you ask, I don't have a last name."

As he was introducing himself, Inuyasha got a good look at him. Simon was an inu hanyou, like him. But Simon was a bit taller, and had a streak of brown hair mixed in with the silver. Other than that, though, they could be twins.

Another thing Inuyasha noticed was that, even though he could've been called handsome, he was filthy! As Inuyasha was wondering about this, he glanced over to see a furious Kagome.

Even though Simon was unfazed by the momentary rudeness, Kagome wasn't. She looked like she was going to explode with anger. This, as any demon knows, is a bad thing when the angry one has spiritual powers that can make you deader than a month old corpse.

Instead of that extreme, she calmed herself down enough to reprimand him.

"Inuyasha! You will be polite when talking to my friends."

"I don't mind, I'm used to far worse. Besides, I didn't exactly announce myself to him, and I'm sure it didn't help that it looked like I was attacking you."

"Actually, it didn't. I thought you were about to attack me. How do you know Kagome anyway?"

"It's simple, she got lost one day about 7 years ago, and I was passing through when I heard her crying. I found her, calmed her down, and brought her home."

"That's mostly true, except for the passing through. He's lives here, in that alley."

"It's no big deal; my mom didn't want the shame of giving birth to a hanyou, so she kicked my dad out. And after making sure I was healthy, she gave me to my dad."

"So where is your dad now?"

"He was killed when I was 8. I was sad, but I've done pretty well for myself since then. I plan to go to school starting Monday, actually. If I want to survive much longer, I need to get a good job. And for that I need an education."

At that, Inuyasha spoke up. "Well, if you don't have a school in mind, you could go to my old school. No offense, but it's probably better than where you would be going otherwise."

"That would be great, but they probably wouldn't take a homeless orphan as one of their students."

"That's not a problem. Just go to my house, if you explain things to my parents, they'll help. They'll probably introduce you as my brother, since we look so much alike.

Just get a bath and some nice clothes, and you'll get into school for sure." With that, Inuyasha pulled out a piece of paper and started writing down directions to his parents' house.

"Actually, before I forget, I have some advice for you. There's a group led by a hanyou named Naraku who'll probably target you, but there are some people I know who will be able to help. The principle, Totosai, and two teachers named Kaede and Myoga are pretty understanding. They'll help. Also, look for a student named Houseki, she'll help, too. Just tell her that I sent you and there should be nothing to worry about."

"Thanks Inuyasha. I'll drop by later to tell you how it goes." And with that, he was gone.

"That was nice of you, Inuyasha."

"Well, I look after my own, no one else will. Anyway, how about we go to your house now."


And with that taken care of, they headed towards the Higurashi house.

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