The Cousin and the Best Friend

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 Kagome left the house to hang out with somebody named ‘Sango’ and told Inuyasha to look around the house some more, but for the last 10 minutes all he’d done was pace the hallway she had left him in and try to come to terms that he was to be the personal servant of Kagome Higurashi, daughter of one of the most important humans alive. It’s not that he absolutely hated the idea of being somebody’s servant, which he would never say out loud since it would probably create some misconceptions about him; but he didn’t love it either though.

He had always known that there was a possibility he would’ve been taken to serve as some human family’s slave, though most people would’ve picked a full-blooded youkai over a hanyou. And most people wouldn’t have been half as nice to him as Kagome was. Most people certainly didn’t bother learning the names of those they had working for them; they just yelled “Slave!” and one of them came running. At least, that’s what he assumed they did.

‘But do I really have to be Kagome’s personal servant? Couldn’t she-’

Inuyasha thoughts were interrupted by somebody knocking him to the ground.

Inuyasha noticed that the man who had knocked him down was holding a monk’s staff  and had some spiritual power, so Inuyasha figured that he really was a monk. (The shrine near his old house used to sell imitation monk staffs, and even though they got shut down, he would still see people using them from time to time.) But he had never before seen a monk wearing such laidback clothes. Instead of wearing the typical monk robes, this black-haired monk had on a graphic-T, blue jean shorts, tennis shoes and, for some reason, a black fedora.

“Sorry man.” The monk reached out his hand to help Inuyasha up. As he did, he noticed Inuyasha’s white dog ears. “You the new guy? My name’s Miroku. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Inuyasha. And yeah, I am.”

“So Inuyasha, were you told what your job would be here?” Miroku asked.

“Umm…I was told I was to be Kagome’s personal servant.”

Next thing Inuyasha knew, Miroku had grabbed his neck and slammed him up against the wall. “If you even think about touching my cousin, I will make you regret the day you were conceived.”

“D-dude, calm down. I don’t plan to try to make a move on Kagome.” Inuyasha choked out.

Miroku let go of Inuyasha. “And it better stay that way.”

I’d better watch what I say around him, I don’t want that to happen again.’ Inuyasha thought as he felt the slight bruising on his neck.

After calming down, Miroku asked, “So why do you think she picked you?”

“No idea, all I know is that I was fighting some youkai that try to kill me on an almost daily basis, and then Kagome jumped in and helped me fight them off. Next thing I know, the principle expels me and Kagome asks if-”

“You got the boot because of your scuffle with those youkai, right? Kagome might’ve felt somewhat responsible for your expulsion, so she decided to pick you…You think that might be right?” Miroku interrupted.

“Maybe, but why would she feel responsible? Like at all?” Inuyasha asked.

“Hey, she may be family, but that doesn’t mean I always understand her. You should just be grateful that you didn’t have to tell your parents that you got expelled because you got in a fight.”

“Actually, I’ve already gotten expelled from seven schools for fighting.” Noticing the look on Miroku’s face, Inuyasha quickly added, “It’s not like I try to get in fights, I just get picked on because I’m a hanyou. I try not to fight back when a youkai picks a fight with me, but eventually I end up killing one of them.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2012 ⏰

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