Chapter 18: Astray

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No Date Velvet Room Evening

*Aria of the Soul

"Welcome to the Velvet Room." Theodore and Samuel greeted as their guest's vision cleared. Yu, Ragna, and Ruby were sitting on the same couch while Theodore, Samuel, and Margaret were sitting on seperate chairs and Igor in the center. "It seems that you two have established a new bond. Congratulations." He bowed. "Yeah, but..." Ruby nodded but trailed off in thought. "When me and Ruby made this bond, we wasn't near Jaune. How is that even possible?" Ragna asked, "Hmm... Well that's interesting..." Igor stated. "It seems that in both your case, that the bonds you two make are faint at first. But ask yourselfs, the person you guys made a connection with, has he or she find their resolve?" He replied to the question. Ragna and Ruby pondered as they recalled the time where they both saw Jin, Jaune, Pyrrha, and Tsubaki practicing. "You two have now gain the ability to summon and fuse Persona to the Magician Arcana, both of you also did well as our guest." Margaret added with pleasantries. "Still, these methods of forming bond upon interaction of others will be of great asset to you two. We look forward to how this will impact you two journey." She said. As their conversation ends, their vision fades once more.

It has been a couple weeks after Jaune's kidnapping that The Investigation Team came to ask him about it. It turns out that they were accurate about Jaune getting snatched on the way back from acquiring Rapier Wasps. What happened next was that Jaune heard some voices and referred something about the TV, meaning that someone had the same power of Persona. The problem though is that aside from Adachi, the culprit from the case last year being in bars, there was no one they know who could have the same power from Vale, aside from Ragna, Ruby, or Jaune. Since the Investigation Team does not have enough information on the recent occurrence, they decided to put the case on hold, for now...

5/27 Vale Daytime

As weeks passed, so did the flow of time. Everyone continued their studies, trained as hard as they can, but today, they were planning on treating themselves to Yosuke's pay, of course Team RWBY had other agendas. As they all walked down the streets of Vale, they all see it unusually bustling around as they continued their pace. They also notice Yosuke and the Shopkeeper putting up a "Vytal Festival" banner up, while Teddie, in his Ursa costume, passed out flyers around. "Ah the Vytal Festival! This is absolutely wonderful!" Weiss exclaimed cheerfully, "I like seeing Weiss like this better." Jin commented, having Tsubaki agreeing with him, "I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss." Told Ruby, with concern, "Yeah, kinda... Weird..." Chie added, but when Weiss turned to her with annoyance, Chie stuttered and said something else. "But, But it's new!" She tried to laughed it off, "How could you guys 'not' smile?" Weiss asked. "It's a festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances, parades, a tournament! Oh the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breath taking!" She continued with glee, "You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring." Yang sighed as Rise and Chie nodded, "Quiet you!" Weiss glared at Yang, "Still, even though the festival is at the end of the year, it kinda sucks for Yosuke." Nu mention to them,"Yeah, having to work this weekend really puts him to work." Saya and Noel agree, "Yosuke works at the Junes here right? I'm surprised that he can work while he studies at Beacon." Blake included, "That's because he working in a Junes back in Inaba, while he was studying at Yasogami High, from what Jin told me." Hibiki pointed out, "From what we've heard Yosuke-senpai is a son of a manager at a local branch, right? It's no wonder he was able to get a job right off the bat." Rise said with astonishment. "Huh... Kinda makes him some 'Heir' to some company, eh?" Said Yang, pulling a pun. Silence filled within the group until Yukiko snickered. "Heir...? *Snicker* hahahahaha... He's known as the prince of disappointment... Hahahaha." She laughed, "I can guess he's still working right now. Any ideas what to do to kill time?" Rise suggested.

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