The Aftermath

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Kagome woke up in a daze, she didn't remember anything past being pulled into the alley, and being saved from that rapist. But then she got up and saw her state of undress, and then she remembered, that guy had raped her. Why had she been saved from being raped and than raped by her savior? Then the implications of what happened hit her full force. She tried to not cry while she put her clothes on, and once she was dressed, she ran home as fast as she could. But little did she know someone was following her.

When she got home she found her mom sitting under the Goshinboku, and she just couldn't seem to hold the tears in.

"Kagome, honey, what's wrong?"

After explaining what had happened a few hours ago, while bursting into tears at various parts, Kagome ran straight to her room to cry in peace.

Inuyasha hated himself for making her cry, but he had to make sure Shippo isn't looking for him and then visit his "friend".

3 hours later

After checking in on a worried Shippo, Inuyasha ran, by way of rooftops, to the other side of town to visit a very old, but still very alive, miko named Kaede.

When he got to Kaede's house, he saw that she was still asleep, so he decided that he would see if she had what he needed while she got some shut-eye. But then the old miko started to stir, so he decided that it was time that he let her know that he was here to get one of her "special" items.

"Inuyasha, what are ye doing here?"

"I'm here to get a rosary that'll hide my hanyou traits."

"May I ask ye want one?"

"I'm going to go to school because I need a real education and it'll hide me better than just sitting at home all day and having Shippo get food for us, plus I'm bored just staying at home all day."

"Fine, just wait there while I get the rosary."

He noticed that she had redecorated her house since he had last visited, he also remembered how Kaede had caught him the first time they met and then she had just let him go. He was broken out of his trip down memory lane by Kaede coming back with a rosary that had purple beads and three youkai fangs.

"So, this'll really hide my hanyou appearance and make me human?"

"It also hides scent so you won't ever be found."

"Why Kaede, one would almost think you wanted me around. Well I need to go, school starts soon."

With that he jumped out the window and into the street.

"That rash hanyou, I still had something for him, oh well I'll deal with it next time he visits."

the next day

"Okay Mr. Taisho, your schedule is waiting for you at the front desk."

"Thank you, Totosai-sama."

Inuyasha was walking to class when he saw a girl with beautiful raven hair. Then she turned around and all he could think was:


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