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Sesshomaru-sama!" Somebody yelled. "We found him!"

"Found who?"

"Your broth-I mean, Inuyasha."

"Where is he hiding this time?"

"Our reports say he's in Tokyo. Should we send some men to dispose of him?"

"Tokyo…Why would he go there?" Sesshomaru thought for a moment. "No, he has escaped too many times. He will escape even if we send in a couple squads. But if we only send one in..." He thought for another minute "Yes, that should work. And I know just who to send."

in Tokyo, a few days later

Shippo knocked on the door to Inuyasha's bedroom. "C'mon! You can't stay in your room forever!"

The voice that answered was weak and weary-sounding, not at all like the Inuyasha Shippo was used to hearing.

"I can and I will. Now please go away."

"I've got us dinner."

"Fine. Give it here."

Inuyasha opened the door and reached out to take his plate, when Shippo yelled "Now!" and Kagome, Miroku and Sango rushed into his room while Shippo shut and locked the door to prevent Inuyasha from escaping.

"Get out of my room." Inuyasha demanded.

"Nobody's leaving this room, Inuyasha." Shippo said from the other side of the door.

"Inuyasha," Miroku began, "is everything okay? You haven't come to school in awhile."

"Nothing's wrong."

"Then why haven't you been coming to school? Are you avoiding us?" Sango asked.

"I'm not avoiding anybody."

"Inuyasha, we're just worried about you."

"Well don't be."

"Inuyasha, are you sure nothing's the matter?" Kagome asked.

"Y-yeah." Inuyasha said while avoiding Kagome's gaze.

"Hmm…I wonder about that. Anyway, you better be at school tomorrow! You can even borrow my notes." Inuyasha didn't look enthusiastic about that, "And if you don't, we'll come by again and again and again until you do come."

"Keh…Fine. I'll come to school tomorrow."

the next day

True to his word, Inuyasha did come to school the next day. However, he didn't say that he'd act glad to be there. He wouldn't talk to anybody or show any kind of emotion at all.

He didn't even notice that their school has a transfer student until he was handed a note from the transfer student to meet him/her in the courtyard during lunch.

during lunch

Inuyasha decided to meet the transfer student, if for no other reason than to avoid his friends' questions.

As he walked outside, he heard somebody yell his name.

As he turned to face the transfer student, he saw that even though the person had long hair, nobody could mistake him for a girl. Well…Maybe some people could, but this person was definitely a man. Though he wouldn't be getting too much attention of the romantic kind either way. It wasn't that he was ugly, it was just that not a lot of people went for the skinny, pale, and haunted eyes look.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Naraku Onigumo." Naraku said cheerfully,

Inuyasha didn't respond.

"I just wanted to say hi to you. But if that's no good," Inuyasha felt an intense wave of youki coming from Naraku. "I could always reveal that you're a hanyou."

"So Sesshomaru's already found me?"

"Not quite; but you should've used a fake name when you enrolled."

"If you're not with my bastard of an older brother, how'd you find me?"

"I'd rather not say, but-."

"That makes you even more suspicious."

"But I'm a hanyou as well and I've heard how you've evaded capture this long and I was hoping for some pointers. Or at least the name of the place where you got that cool rosary. That's why I can't feel your youki or anything, right?"

"I suppose I could give you directions…" Inuyasha heard the school door open and saw Kagome and Sango walking outside. "On second thought, I'll take you there."

"Um…Okay. Let's go after school then."

"Here's a better idea. Let's go now."

"But what about-?"

"We're going now."

And before Naraku could say anything more, Inuyasha was pulling him along to Kaede's.

Meanwhile, Kagome and Sango were watching Inuyasha leave.

"Was that Inuyasha and…the transfer student?" Kagome asked.

"It looks that way. I wonder were they're going."

"He better give me some answers when he gets back." Kagome said.

As this conversation was going on, Miroku was creeping up behind Sango with his hand outstretched.

One foot…They haven't noticed anything.

6 inches…Almost there.

3 inches…2 inches…1 inch...And…


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2012 ⏰

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