Ignis x Reader - 4th of July

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It was the 4th of July and you, Noctis, Prompto, Ignis, and Gladio were in Hammerhead to watch the fireworks from the caravan you were staying in. Gladio had went off to do some hunting, Prompto went off to flirt with Cindy, and Noctis was helping Prompto out, leaving you and Ignis.

Ignis was writing in his recipe book while you were playing King's Knight on Noctis's phone. He had asked you to help him out since he's helping out Prompto.

Little did you know, Ignis kept looking at you from the corner of his eye from time to time. He loved how your (e/c) eyes gleamed with determination in order to accomplish your goal, how your (h/l/) (h/c) hair gently swayed in the small gust of wind that blew here and there.

He quickly directed his gaze back to his recipe book when you turned the phone off and sighed. You figured His Highness would be satisfied with the work you have done.

You look over at Ignis. You had known him since the day you started working as one of the Crownsguards. You never knew why, but Ignis has always caught your attention. He was so mysterious and you wanted to learn a lot about him. As years went on, your knowledge about him grew, along with your feelings.

You take a closer look at him and realized he had a few crumbs by the corner of his mouth from the dinner everyone had. This surprised you since he was very proper about his appearance and actions.

You grab the napkin that you had in your lap before getting up and approaching him. You knelt down so you were the same height level as he was. You tap his shoulder to get his attention, and he obliged to your wish.

"Excuse me, Ignis, I'm sorry, but I can't help it. I swear this is the only weird thing I have." You apologized before wiping the corner of his mouth.

You hated to admit it, but you had OCD (if not, play along please!) and this weird obsession of making everything perfect had came with. Even if you have to wipe off crumbs on your crush's face.

Once you were done, you pull the napkin away from his mouth. You were prepared to explain yourself until had reached up and captured your lips into his.

This had caught you off guard, knowing Ignis was very professional about everything. Nevertheless, you enjoyed it and didn't resist.

You two pull away and smiled at each other before everyone came back to watch the fireworks that had begun.

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