Noctis x Reader

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You had gotten up early with Noctis this morning. I know, shocking, right? He had heard that there was a legend of a fish in the lake near you and he wanted to check it out. Problem is, it only came out at dawn.

Gladio was too tired because he stayed up a little too late the previous night, and that only lead to one other option: You.

Gladio had told him that if he wasn't up for the task, go down the list and go to you. Though you had never fished before and knew nothing about it, it interested you and you were strong enough if he ever caught a big fish.

Right now you were groggily following Noctis to the fishing spot. You began to appreciate the fact that Noctis always liked to sleep in late and not get up early like this.

You rub your eyes to wake yourself up as you reached the fishing spot. You watch as Noctis changed the lure and and line of his fishing rod. You smile at the sight of him smiling at the rod before he tossed the lure in. It has been a while since you last saw him smile a real smile.

You ruffle your (h/l) (h/c) messy hair as the wind played with it. You were trying to get rid of the bed head feeling. Noctis, on the other hand, was looking at you from the corner of his eye. He thought you looked absolutely stunning.

You were wearing black jeans, black combat boots, (f/c) t-shirt, and a black short-sleeved jacket he gave you. You almost matched him.

You catch him looking at you, causing you to stop ruffling your hair. "What?" He chuckled. "You always wanted to learn how to fish, right?" You look at him with a confused look. "Yeah, why?"

"Come on, I'll show you how." Before you could respond, he grabbed your hand and placed you in front of him. He wrapped his arms around your figure and placed the rod in your hands.

He positioned your hands on the rod while explaining how to hold it. Of course, it didn't help that his breath caressed your ear every five seconds, sending shivers through your body. Even so, you managed to pay attention to his words.

He still had his hands on yours, guiding you through the steps of fishing. Noctis was loving this. Not only was he teaching his favorite thing to do, but he was very close to you, and he wasn't getting yelled at for it. Whenever he tried getting close to you, Ignis always told him to stay in top form. Not that Ignis didn't like the prince being close to you, oh no, he liked the fact that there was indeed someone that could break through his stubborn brain. It's just that Noctis had bad timing for it.

Ignis wasn't the only one who was overjoyed about Noctis having a crush on you, Prompto and Gladio were, as well. It gave them a chance to tease and blackmail both of you, but mostly Noctis. Plus, Prompto took pictures, for future references, of course.

After a while of waiting, you had finally caught a fish. And it was a decent size, too. Noctis picked you up and spun you around in celebration, causing you to yelp in surprise, but then laugh along with him.

He puts you down and the surprises never ceased to end. He had pulled you into a a passionate kiss. You were surprised at first, but then kissed him back.

You two pull away at the sound of a clicking noise. You look over and see Prompto with his camera, a smirking Gladio, and a smiling Ignis. You blush in embarrassment as you hid your face into Noctis's chest.

"It's about time." Gladio's smirk never left his face. "Noct, be sure to not let this one go." Ignis spoke. "This picture is definitely a keeper! You two aren't safe anymore!" Prompto laughed in success.

You buried your head deeper into his chest as Noctis tightened his grip around your waist. "Are you guys gonna give us some privacy or am I gonna have to find it myself?" "You might as well find it yourself, but please keep track of time, we are leaving in a half an hour." Ignis said as he turned to take his leave. Meanwhile, Gladio and Prompto weren't going anwhere.

Noctis sighed before removing one of his arms from you to summon his sword. He warps you two to a tree that was little distance away from camp. "They shouldn't find us here."

You remove your face from his chest and look up at him. "Thank you." He smirked. "I think I should get an award for that." You smirked back and pulled him by his jacket, your lips meeting each other once again.

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