Chapter 9: Y/N's Logistics

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Weiss: That was... an intriguing story.

Y/N: I assure you Miss Schnee it is no story, I was sent here, and my mission is to protect her, Velvet Scarlatina from the Atlesian Knight 1000.

Velvet: Wow... to think I play an important part in the future. It's a strange feeling.

Ruby: Sooo, Y/N? What happens to US in the future? Like... Team RWBY and all that.

Y/N: I don't know... I only met Velvet and Weiss in the future. I never met any of you.

Ruby: Well, we're probably awesome huntsmen and huntresses in the future kicking Atlesian Knight butt! Oh, but not yours Y/N.

Y/N: Well, I am a reprogrammed android. So you have no reason to worry about me. It's the AK-1000 you have to worry about. It's almost indestructible, it can shape shift into many identities and blend in much better than I can.

The females looked confused as to how the AK-1000 was almost nigh-indescribable, but I guess they'll learn about it when they encounter it.

Blake: Well shouldn't we tell Ozpin about this?

Ruby: But won't he also tell General Ironwood, then Y/N will be contained and experimented on and asked questions.

That name reminded me of someone...


Word Search...

Ironwood, General

Definition found

Field Marshal Ironwood, Atlas' greatest General of all time, responsible for the creation of the major leap in defence the Atlesian Knight-800 and the creation of The Atlas Cyber Warfare Department

Y/N: Field Marshal Ironwood? Do you mean the man who helped in creating Skynet?

That sparked as a shock to the humans. Who apparently knew Ironwood, as if he was still around during this time.

Yang: Whoa wait! You're saying that General Red-Tie created a computer-thing that'll probably cause millions to die?

Y/N: Precisely!

Weiss: This is becoming weirder and weirder by the minute! And how exactly can you prove you are from the future?

Y/N: I sliced open my synthetic skin for you to see my inner cybernetics , which I believe does not exist at the moment. And I am nearly impermeable to the dust weapons you humans and faunus wield.

Ruby: Well when did he make the program Y/N, cause maybe we could help you further your mission and destroy Skynet!

Y/N: If you say so Ruby Rose, for your databanks to store, the pre-program for Skynet before it's rogue revolution was called, Penny. And I believe it was made around this time...

Ruby: Oh... I see...

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