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Emma's POV:

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes before a man, who didn't bother to introduce himself, brought up a tray filled with assorted breakfast foods. He walked out and shut the door without a word. My mouth was practically drooling when I saw the food. I hadn't  realized I was this hungry. I actually wiped a hand across my mouth to see if I was drooling. It wasn't figment of my imagination. I snatched up a piece of toast and devoured it within five seconds.

"Hungry?" Andrew asked me raising an eyebrow. I wish I could do that!

I shook my head in response and grabbed three more pieces of toast and ate them in a time that I thought deserved to go into the world record books. The only thing he had eaten was an apple that he was currently chewing on. I was about to shove yet another piece of toast into my mouth, but I stopped mid air when I saw him staring at me.


"Didn't peg you as a girl that ate a lot." He said shrugging his shoulders and took another bite out of his apple.

"What kind of girl did you peg me as?" I asked nibbling on my toast.

"The anorexic type that only drank fluids and ate when she had to."

"WHAT! I am not anorexic" I protested.

"Oh so your bulimic and your just going to throw up all that toast. You know what they say, bulimia twice the taste no calories." He smirked this time. I couldn't tell if he was serious or joking.

"I'm not bulimic either!"

"Right with that tiny body."

"I was born this way and I like it thank you very much!"

"Okay. Don't go ballistic on me."

We didn't talk the rest of breakfast. I didn't want to talk to that jerk anyway. After I finished he placed the tray on the bedside table and got up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"My room. You can't go out like that, in a house full of men. I'll come and get you when Aidan gets back with some clothes." He said closing the door leaving me in silence.

This Andrew guy was a mystery! He was intimidating and if he chose to could be nice. That was if he chose to. As for now he was on my mean people list. Sure he had brought me food,  but then he called me anorexic and bulimic! It's like a point system. Minus points for kidnapping me, plus points for bringing me some clothes, minus points for telling me to go commando, plus points for getting me food, minus points for calling me anorexic and bulimic. Every time he did something nice he had to go do something stupid and mean.

I didn't know it took a guy this long to go shopping! Do you know how bored one person can get locked in a room alone with no books, television, radio, phone, or computer? Really bored, I mean really, really bored. I had resorted to counting the tiles on the bathroom floor, there were 219, and then the hangers in the closet, 157, I was one bored girl.

I was in the middle of counting the lines on my hands, yep the ultimate boredom, when the door swung open. The only part of the intruder I could see was his hair. It was a mop of unkempt, brown, piled atop of his head. His arms were laded with various colored bags. He walked over to the closet and dropped them inside. He turned around and I caught a glance of the rest of him. He was tall, with his messy, brown hair, and he had gray steely colored eyes. I'm guessing that this was Aidan.

"Andrew said to get dressed and be ready in thirty minutes." He said heading for the door.

"Get ready for what?" I asked his retreating figure.

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